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Adolescence et maternite a la Reunion.

Auteurs : Combes JC, Reynaud BDate 1988 Juin-Juillet, Vol 24, Num 6, pp 261-4Revue : La Revue de pédiatrieType de publication : article de périodique;

Although adolescents in Reunion have a pregnancy rate of 77/1000, twice that of France, there are no published studies on the themes of adolescent pregnancy and parenthood. 105 women under 18 including 20 aged 14 who gave birth in 1 maternity center were analyzed for sociofamilial characteristics and perinatal complications. The educational level of the adolescent mothers was low and 47% had stopped school before the pregnancy. 1/3 expected to find employment or return to work after delivery. 19% were already in consensual unions at the time of pregnancy and 34% had entered such unions after delivery. It was the 2nd pregnancy for 11.5%. Only 8.5% used contraception. The age difference with the partner was over 5 years for more than half. 68% had known the father for more than 1 year. At the time of pregnancy, 35% lived in families with 2 parents and 36% in households headed by their mothers. Heads of 50% of all their households and 80% of those headed by the mothers were unemployed. 44% had more than 6 siblings. 20% had 1 or more sisters who were adolescent mothers. Comparison with a group of 62 adolescents seeking abortions at the same center indicated several factors that appeared to encourage continuation of the pregnancy; including being below age level in school, absence of plans for education or employment, limited use of contraception, and having a much older partner. Risk factors at the level of the family included absence of the father, maternal tolerance, poverty, and sisters who were single mothers. 27% states retrospectively that they would have preferred to terminate the pregnancy, but all stated they were satisfied after the delivery. 41% had problems in pregnancy or delivery. 10.5% had toxemia and 23% had low birth weight babies. 5.7% had caesareans, mainly for eclampsia and acute fetal distress. There was 1 stillbirth and 2 cases of cogenital malformations. 14 newborns were transferred were transferred to the neonatology unit for various problems, including 6 weighing under 2000 g. Compared to the general population, the rate of fetal growth retardation was 3 times higher and that of neonatal pathology requiring transfer to the neonatology unit was 2 times higher among adolescent mothers. Prenatal care was inadequate in many cases. 35% of 14-year-old mothers had 3 or fewer prenatal visits.

Mot-clés auteurs
Adolescent Pregnancy--complications; Adolescents; Adolescents; Female; Africa; Africa South Of The Sahara; Age Factors; Contraception; Contraceptive Usage; Delivery Of Health Care; Demographic Factors; Developing Countries; Eastern Africa; Economic Factors; Educational Status; Employment Status; Family And Household; Family Characteristics; Family Planning; Fertility; Fertility Measurements; French Speaking Africa; Health; Health Services; Marital Status; Maternal Health Services; Maternal-child Health Services; Nuptiality; Parity; Population; Population Characteristics; Population Dynamics; Prenatal Care; Primary Health Care; Reproductive Behavior; Research Methodology; Reunion; Sampling Studies; Socioeconomic Factors; Socioeconomic Status; Studies; Surveys; Youth;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Combes J C, Reynaud B. Adolescence et maternite a la Reunion. Rev Pediatr. 1988 Jui;24(6):261-4.
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