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Mobilisation social et information--education--communication (I.E.C) en matire de population.

Auteurs : Zigirumugabe SDate 1988 Avril, Num 11, pp 23-8Revue : Imbonezamuryango = Famille, santé, développementType de publication : article de périodique;

Despite efforts by Rwanda's National Office of Population (ONAPO) to increase awareness of Rwanda's population problems, there has been little change in the reproductive behavior of the rural population. ONAPO plans to formulate an overall information, education, and communication (IEC) campaign in the area of maternal-child health and family planning to inform the population about Rwanda's sociodemographic problems and the solution offered by family planning. The campaign will have 3 main components: 1) provision of information to the general population through the informal educational system 2) training and school-based population information and 3) production of educational materials to support the training and communication programs. IEC programs for maternal-child health and family planning will be integrated into more widely accepted activities having some degree of permanence, such as the school system, health centers, and religious institutions. The communal centers for development and permanent training will play an especially strong role in the integrated IEC plans for rural areas. Center personnel will help the population understand the connection between family planning and the socioeconomic and health status of families and will motivate couples to use family planning. The overall IEC plan will receive support from the National Revolutionary Movement for Development, the Association of Rwandan Women for Development, the Ministry of the Interior and of Communal Development, and the Ministry of Public Health and Social Affairs. Various other ministries, religious organizations, international organizations, and nongovernmental organizations should also support the IEC effort.

Mot-clés auteurs
Africa; Africa South Of The Sahara; Communication; Communication Programs; Delivery Of Health Care; Developing Countries; Eastern Africa; Education; Family Planning; Family Planning Programs; French Speaking Africa; Government Agencies; Government Sponsored Programs; Health; Health Services; Iec; Integrated Programs; International Agencies; Medicine; Organization And Administration; Organizations; Policy; Political Factors; Population Control; Population Education; Population Policy; Population Programs; Program Activities; Programs; Rwanda; Social Policy; Voluntary Health Agencies;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Zigirumugabe S. Mobilisation social et information--education--communication (I.E.C) en matire de population. Imbonezamuryango = Famille, santé, développement. 1988 Avr;(11):23-8.
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