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Sexe et mortalite en France, 1906-1980.

Auteurs : Chenu ADate 1988 Avril-Juin, Vol 29, Num 2, pp 293-324, 390-2Revue : Revue française de sociologieType de publication : article de périodique;

Differential mortality in France is examined by sex, with a focus on the excess mortality among men during the period 1906-1980, using data from official and other published sources. The effects of occupation, social class, quality of medical care, and consumption of alchohol and tobacco are considered. The author finds that since 1976, life expectancy has been eight years higher for women than for men. While men employed in executive and white collar positions tend to live longer than their working-class counterparts, the situation is reversed for women, with executive women showing a higher mortality rate than other female employees and workers.

Mot-clés auteurs
Alcohol Drinking; Behavior; Demographic Factors; Developed Countries; Differential Mortality; Economic Factors; Employment Status; Europe; France; Health Services Evaluation; Human Resources; Length Of Life; Life Expectancy; Longitudinal Studies; Mediterranean Countries; Mortality; Occupational Status; Occupations; Organization And Administration; Population; Population Characteristics; Population Dynamics; Program Evaluation; Programs; Quality Of Health Care; Sex Factors; Smoking; Social Behavior; Socioeconomic Factors; Socioeconomic Status; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Chenu A. Sexe et mortalite en France, 1906-1980. Rev Fr Sociol. 1988 Avr;29(2):293-324, 390-2.
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Dernière date de mise à jour : 20/10/2016.

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