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La protection maternelle et infantile en milieu traditionnel Rwandais.

Auteurs : Ndangiza ADate 1984, Num 1, pp 14-22Revue : Imbonezamuryango = Famille, santé, développementType de publication : article de périodique;

Maternal and child health care is linked to general health of the community and is influenced by socioeconomic conditions. Goals of maternal and child health include the reduction of morbidity and mortality among women, infants, and children, the promotion of reproductive health education, and the maintenance of healthy development for children and adolescents within the family structure. Care together with careful consideration must be given to this group in Rwandian society. For pregnant women, emphasis on the prevention of pathology during pregnancy is essential. In addition, pregnant women are advised to maintain proper hygiene throughout their pregnancy, as well as receive proper vitamins and nutrients essential to the growing fetus. Unfortunately, in the traditional Rwandian society, pregnant women are forbidden to eat various protein sources. This custom is in the process of changing. The birthing procedure for women involves the assistance of the woman's mother-in-law or a traditional midwife. Spacing births has more often been a result of abstinence from sexual relations, periods of breastfeeding, and abstinence due to mourning rites, than to contraception or abortion. Policies are now being considered which would permit abortion and contraception among single and divorced women and women who are widowed. This policy would not extend as freely to married women, as the objective of this policy is to prevent the birth of children without fathers. Moreover, a program of sex education for men and women is part of the planning to further preclude unwanted pregnancies.

Mot-clés auteurs
Africa; Africa South Of The Sahara; Birth Spacing; Child Health; Contraception; Contraceptive Usage; Cultural Background; Delivery Of Health Care; Demographic Factors; Developing Countries; Eastern Africa; Economic Factors; Family Planning; Family Planning Education; Family Planning Policy; Family Planning; Behavioral Methods; French Speaking Africa; Goals; Health; Health Services; Lactation; Prolonged; Maternal Health; Maternal Nutrition; Maternal-child Health Services; Medicine; Medicine; Traditional; Needs; Organization And Administration; Planning; Policy; Population; Population Characteristics; Population Policy; Primary Health Care; Promotion; Recommendations; Research Report; Rwanda; Sex Education; Sexual Abstinence; Social Policy; Socioeconomic Factors; Taboo;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Ndangiza A. La protection maternelle et infantile en milieu traditionnel Rwandais. Imbonezamuryango = Famille, santé, développement. 1984;(1):14-22.
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