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Les facteurs strategiques du declin de la fecondite.

Auteurs : Genne MDate 1984 Avril-Juin, Vol 25, Num 98, pp 339-49Revue : Tiers-mondeType de publication : article de périodique;

This study examines income as an important but not exclusive determinant of demographic evolution, using the theoretical model of the demographic transition. Researches at the Population Center at Princeton and the authors of the Bachue dimulation models among others believe that acceleration of fertility decline can be achieved by a more equitable distribution of income, goods, and knowledge. Among the works of this school of thought, the studies of r. Repetto which give quantitative expression to the correlation are particularly interesting when they are placed in the framework of the demographic transition. Even if the significance of all factors involved in the fertility decline has not been specified, income distribution plays a certain role regardless of the definition given to transition: the classic model, the revised definition of the Princeton group, or the equitable development model. A study of the Hungarian case between 1870-1910 bears out the relationship. It is equally interesting to note that developing countries currently have a demographic configuration similar to that of European countries in general, and of Hungary in particular, as of the beginning of the last century, and that a more equalitarian distribution of land or of income could bring about the same effects over time.

Mot-clés auteurs
Demographic Factors; Demographic Transition; Demography; Developed Countries; Developing Countries; Eastern Europe; Economic Factors; Europe; Fertility--changes; Hungary; Income; Income Distribution; Macroeconomic Factors; Models; Theoretical; Mortality; Population; Population Dynamics; Population Theory; Research Methodology; Social Sciences; Socioeconomic Factors;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Genne M. Les facteurs strategiques du declin de la fecondite. Tiers Monde. 1984 Avr;25(98):339-49.
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