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Une approche du cout de l'enfant

Auteurs : Bloch L, Glaude MDate 1983 Mai, Num 155, pp 51-67, 75-6Revue : Economie & statistiqueType de publication : article de périodique;

Some problems concerning the calculation of the cost of raising a child are examined. In this study, the cost of a child is defined as the extra expenses that the family must incur in order to have the same standard of living as a couple without children. It is calculated that the monthly cost of a child is about 1,800 francs (approximately 225 dollars) in April 1983. It is noted that other factors such as child's age, number of siblings, and socioeconomic status of parents also affect these costs and need to be taken into consideration.

Mot-clés auteurs
Age Factors; Child Worth; Child--cost; Demographic Factors; Developed Countries; Economic Factors; Europe; Expenditures; Financial Activities; France; Mediterranean Countries; Microeconomic Factors; Population; Population Characteristics; Socioeconomic Factors; Standard Of Living; Western Europe; Youth;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Bloch L, Glaude M. Une approche du cout de l'enfant. Econ Stat. 1983 Mai;(155):51-67, 75-6.
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