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Reseau Migrations et Urbanisation en Afrique de l'Ouest (REMUAO). L'aboutissement d'un travail de longue haleine.

Auteurs : Traore SDate 1999 Décembre, Num 28, pp 42-5Revue : Pop Sahel : bulletin d'information sur la population et le développementType de publication : article de périodique;

The First Ministerial Conference on Migration and Urbanization in West Africa held in Bamako, Mali, during November 1-5, 1999, marked the end of the first phase of a research program launched in 1993 in Burkina Faso, Ctte d¿Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, and Senegal, organized under the Western Africa Migration and Urbanization Network (REMUAO). Created in 1989 with the financial support of the Research Center for International Development (CRDI), REMUAO is the result of the will of a number of African researchers and Africanists to provide the subregion with pertinent data on relevant phenomena. REMUAO was established through the combination of the following factors: the rarity of migration and urbanization data while Africa countries are experiencing considerable human migration and rapid urbanization; concern over the multidisciplinary research approach in social sciences, especially in the field of demography; and concern over how to address questions of international migration. Data collection activities began only 5 years after REMUAO was created. The data collection process is described. As REMUAO network coordinator, CERPOD gained valuable experience that will allow the organization to strengthen its role as an implementing agency in the subregion.

Mot-clés auteurs
Africa; Africa South Of The Sahara; Conferences And Congresses; Demographic Factors; Developing Countries; French Speaking Africa; Geographic Factors; Mali; Migration; Nongovernmental Organizations; Organizations; Population; Population Dynamics; Research Activities; Research Methodology; Spatial Distribution; Urban Spatial Distribution; Urbanization; Western Africa;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Traore S. Reseau Migrations et Urbanisation en Afrique de l'Ouest (REMUAO). L'aboutissement d'un travail de longue haleine. Pop Sahel : bulletin d'information sur la population et le développement. 1999 Déc;(28):42-5.
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