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Croissance de la population mondiale et environnement: les enjeux.

Auteurs : Legrand TDate 1998 Automne, Vol 27, Num 2, pp 221-52, 336, 338Revue : Cahiers québécois de démographieType de publication : article de périodique;

"This article reviews the hypothesized effects of global population growth on the environment and considers their policy implications." The focus is on the ethical considerations of population growth; the complexity of environmental processes; the concentration of adverse effects of population growth on renewable, rather than nonrenewable, resources; the need for noncoercive efforts to slow population growth; and the impact of difficult-to-resolve political and administrative problems. (EXCERPT)

Mot-clés auteurs
Antinatalist Policy; Demographic Factors; Environment; Ethics; Natural Resources; Organization And Administration; Policy; Political Factors; Population; Population Dynamics; Population Growth; Population Policy; Social Policy; World;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Legrand T. Croissance de la population mondiale et environnement: les enjeux. Cah Que Demogr. 1998 Automne;27(2):221-52, 336, 338.
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