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Immigration, race et securite a la frontiere mexicano-californienne.

Auteurs : Willoughby RDate 1997 Été-Automne, Num 26-27, pp 203-34Revue : Cultures et conflits = Culturas y conflictos = Cultures and conflictsType de publication : article de périodique;

The author analyzes the conflict inherent in current American attitudes toward immigration, in which a general desire to control and limit immigration, particularly from Mexico, contrasts with a general willingness to profit from such immigration as a source of cheap and available labor. Particular attention is given to the situation in California and to the debate surrounding Proposition 187. The author suggests that the main concerns of Americans about immigration are with issues of race and security, and the conflict between the ideals of working toward a more democratic society and building more controls to create a more secure society.

Mot-clés auteurs
Americas; Attitude; Behavior; California; Demographic Factors; Developed Countries; Developing Countries; International Migration; Latin America; Mexico; Migration; Migration Policy; National Security; North America; Northern America; Policy; Political Factors; Population; Population Dynamics; Population Policy; Psychological Factors; Race Relations; Social Policy; United States;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Willoughby R. Immigration, race et securite a la frontiere mexicano-californienne. Cult Confl. 1997 Été-Automne;(26-27):203-34.
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