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Transition ou revolution demographique? Les insuffisances et les implications de la theorie de la transition demographique. 1: les origines.

Auteurs : Bourcier De Carbon PDate 1998 Janvier-Février, Num 636, pp 4-7Revue : Population et avenirType de publication : article de périodique;

The work of Adolphe Landry is reviewed in relation to development of demographic transition theory. Landry was appointed administrator in 1912 of the National Alliance Against Depopulation and remained active in it his whole life. He also helped create family allowance programs in France. As early as 1909, Landry described three different population regimes. In the "primitive" regime, which characterized all nonhuman life and human life during most of history, the population was adjusted to available subsistence by mortality. In the "intermediate" phase, restrictions on marriage and control of reproduction outside marriage maintained the population at a level below the maximum supportable. In the "contemporary" regime, the universal practice of contraception and abortion could lead to very low levels of fertility. The spread of contraception and low fertility appeared to Landry a true demographic revolution. He attributed the acceptance of contraception to a change in the common aspirations of human beings regarding their conditions, a desire for improved material well-being and social advancement, and an increased spirit of rationality and even calculation in their behavior. Landry believed that the contemporary regime, unlike the preceding two, had no mechanism implying equilibrium. The demographic revolution freed fertility from social determinants and linked it more closely to individual interests. Landry expected the contemporary regime to spread throughout the entire world, with many areas still in the primitive phase passing directly to the contemporary. He was concerned with the effects of demographic aging, and he deplored birth control propaganda that claimed it as a cure for unemployment and for overpopulation in the poor Asian countries. The birth control movements in England and the US were successful in bringing the two countries into the contemporary regime. A number of organizations such as the Population Association of America and the Office of Population Research at Princeton were favorable toward the spread of birth control through the rest of the world.

Mot-clés auteurs
Communication; Contraception; Contraceptive Usage; Demographers; Demographic Factors; Demographic Transition; Demography; Developed Countries; Europe; Family Planning; Fertility; Fertility Decline--determinants; France; Influentials; Knowledge Sources; Mediterranean Countries; Organizations; Population; Population Dynamics; Population Theory; Social Sciences; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Bourcier De Carbon P. Transition ou revolution demographique? Les insuffisances et les implications de la theorie de la transition demographique. 1: les origines. Popul Avenir. 1998 Jan;(636):4-7.
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