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Cooperation Sud-Sud: quel role pour le Nord?

Auteurs : Lery ADate 1997 Septembre, Num 6, pp 5-6Revue : Majāllat al-Dīwān al-Qawmī lil-Usrah wa-al-ʿUmrān al-BasharīType de publication : article de périodique;

The First African Meeting for South-South Cooperation in Reproductive Health/Family Planning and Population was held in Tunis in July 1997. Tunisian participants from the Ministry of Public Health and other officials met with representatives of 12 Francophone African countries, international organizations, and nongovernmental organizations. The meetings were intended to assist each country in establishing partnerships to facilitate projects related to reproductive health, family planning, and population. The meeting was an initiative of the Partnership in Population and Development, an outgrowth of the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo. The Partnership establishes networks and strategic action alliances among all parties currently or potentially interested in reproductive health to promote exchanges of information and experience, technical assistance, and technology transfers. The Partnership countries are Bangladesh, Colombia, Egypt, Kenya, Indonesia, Mexico, Morocco, Thailand, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe. Several other countries have participated in Partnership projects. France and the principal French public and private organizations interested in population and development problems should follow the progress of the South-South Partnership. The Partnership should demonstrate its effectiveness and its willingness to work in close cooperation with the northern hemisphere countries in technical as well as financial aspects.

Mot-clés auteurs
Africa; Africa South Of The Sahara; Conferences And Congresses; Developing Countries; Family Planning; French Speaking Africa; Health; International Cooperation; Organization And Administration; Population; Program Design; Programs; Reproductive Health;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Lery A. Cooperation Sud-Sud: quel role pour le Nord?. Majallat Aldiwan Alqawmi Lilusrah Waal Umran lbashari. 1997 Sep;(6):5-6.
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