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Message dans les medias pour promouvoir le sexe moindre risque. Contact avec les jeunes.

Date 1995 Avril, Num 24, pp 7Revue : Action contre le SIDAType de publication : article de périodique;

In 1993, the national radio station of Zambia launched a popular music show on the fight against AIDS. Support of the national AIDS control program put information on HIV, sexually transmitted diseases, and sexuality at the disposal of thousands of youth. Radio is an effective medium to distribute information, to stimulate an awareness that AIDS is bad, and to influence public opinion. The Saturday Beat radio show is broadcast for 45 minutes every Saturday morning when most Zambians are at home. It has jingles about condom use and questions about AIDS with show listeners responding via the telephone, and discussions on HIV prevention. The show also has interviews with HIV-positive people, and with physicians, music stars, and government officials such as the Vice Minister of Health. Saturday Beat is very popular and well praised. Listeners call in from around the country and are encouraged to write and submit questions. The show host answers listeners' letters during the show. The show can organize demonstrations for loyal listeners where youth lead debates and discussions that can be taped and broadcast. Another popular medium is a photo-story (comic book with photographs rather than drawings) about a young woman named Roxy and her friends. The characters of the photo-story have different attitudes about AIDS and sex and offer different options to prevent HIV infection. Young people helped create this photo-story through a series of discussions and an examination of their feelings, their experiences, and their relationships with boy/girl friends. They were also involved in test marketing the photo story. The public appreciates Roxy. Readers can recognize themselves easily in the characters, and those with little education can understand the story. Some parents and teachers found the story too sexually explicit, but many people now agree that the story provides educational benefits.

Mot-clés auteurs
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome--prevention and control; Africa; Africa South Of The Sahara; Broadcast Media; Communication; Communication Programs; Developing Countries; Diseases; Eastern Africa; English Speaking Africa; Hiv Infections--prevention and control; Magazines; Mass Media; Printed Media; Radio; South Africa; Southern Africa; Viral Diseases; Zambia;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Message dans les medias pour promouvoir le sexe moindre risque. Contact avec les jeunes. Action Contre SIDA. 1995 Avr;(24):7.
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