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Approche des determinants de la migration interne en Algerie: Constantine et Skikda.

Auteurs : Boukhemis K, Zeghiche ADate 1987, Vol 26, pp 419-31Revue : Annuaire de l'Afrique du NordType de publication : article de périodique;

Trends in internal migration in Algeria are analyzed for the period 1962-1977 using data from the 1977 census. The focus is on migration to metropolitan areas such as Constantine and Skikda.

Mot-clés auteurs
Africa; Algeria; Arab Countries; Demographic Factors; Developing Countries; French Speaking Africa; Mediterranean Countries; Migration; Migration; Internal; Northern Africa; Population; Population Dynamics; Rural-urban Migration;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Boukhemis K, Zeghiche A. Approche des determinants de la migration interne en Algerie: Constantine et Skikda. Annu Afr Nord. 1987;26:419-31.
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