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Contraception par anneaux vaginaux chez des femmes hypertendues.

Auteurs : Basdevant A, Elkik F, Guy-grand B, Conard J, Corvol PDate 1985 Janvier, Vol 13, Num 1 Suppl, pp 365-7Revue : Contraception, fertilité, sexualitéType de publication : article de périodique;

The purpose of this study was to determine whether vaginal rings delivering 17 beta estradiol and norgestrel would be an appropriate contraceptive method for hypertensive women. Vaginal rings with 17 beta estradiol and levonorgestrel have 3 advantages over oral contraceptives (OCs): extradigestive administration, use of estradiol, and regular and stable release of contraceptive hormones. 8 of the 12 moderately hypertensive patients participating in the study developed hypertension during OC treatment. 3 of them regained normal blood pressure after discontinuing OCs and the other 9 were treated with an antihypertensive during the study. Blood pressure was measured twice before the vaginal rings were used and on the 21st day of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 9th and 12th cycles. The only significant variation in boood pressure observed during the study was a decline in diastolic pressure between the 1st and 2nd consultation before treatment. Thereafter variations in pressure did not exceed 5 mm Hg in either direction. The validity of the results was reinforced by the fact that blood pressure was measured 5 times at 3 minute intervals at each consultation and that there were no significant modifications after use of the rings was discontinued. No fall an antithrombin III or rise in plasma triglycerides was observed. This study indicates that 17 beta estradiol administered by extradigestive route short circuits the portal system, causing no alteration of blood pressure. Vaginal rings appear to be a suitable contraceptive method for hypertensive women.

Mot-clés auteurs
Biology; Blood Pressure; Cardiovascular Effects; Cerebrovascular Effects; Contraception; Contraceptive Agents; Contraceptive Agents; Female; Contraceptive Agents; Progestin; Contraceptive Methods--indications; Diseases; Endocrine System; Estradiol; Estrogens; Family Planning; Hormones; Hypertension; Norgestrel; Oral Contraceptives; Physiology; Reproductive Control Agents; Vaginal Rings--indications; Vascular Diseases;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Basdevant A, Elkik F, Guy-grand B, Conard J, Corvol P. Contraception par anneaux vaginaux chez des femmes hypertendues. Contraception, fertilité, sexualité. 1985 Jan;13(1 Suppl):365-7.
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