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Depistage systematique de Neisseria gonorrhoeae dans un centre d'interruption de grossesse.

Auteurs : Quentin R, Pinon C, Lansac J, Vargues RDate 1983, Vol 13 Spec No, pp 677-8Revue : Médecine et maladies infectieusesType de publication : article de périodique;

The existence of asymptomatic gonorrhea, the difficulties of clinical diagnosis, and the risk of uteroadnexial gonococcal infection following abortion prompted a campaign to diagnose N. gonorrhoeae among women seeking abortions at the Center for Pregnancy Interruption in Tours. 1446 women aged 14-46 years were examined between October 1981 and December 1982. Women having positive cultures received antibiotic treatment for a week and the abortion was not performed until a negative culture was obtained. 15 women, or 1%, had positive cultures. 1 of the 15 positive cases, but only 45.8% of patients overall, were 26 years old or younger. 10 of the 15 cases but only 37% of all clients were nulliparous. 12 of the 15 cases but only 38.6% of patients overall were single, divorced, or separated. 1 of the 15 cases belonged to a "non-active" social category of unemployed, students, and women without professions, compared to 45.5% of all clients. 13 of the cases had no clinical signs of genital infection but 3 of their partners had urethritis. 2 cases had purulent leukorrhea. Leukorrhea was suspected in 8.6% of the women with negative cultures. This practice should be adopted in all abortion centers because of its simplicity and low cost.

Mot-clés auteurs
Abortion Seekers; Abortion; Induced; Bacterial And Fungal Diseases; Clinic Activities; Developed Countries; Diseases; Europe; Examinations And Diagnoses; Family Planning; Fertility Control; Postconception; France; Infections; Laboratory Examinations And Diagnoses; Mediterranean Countries; Organization And Administration; Program Activities; Programs; Reproductive Tract Infections; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Quentin R, Pinon C, Lansac J, Vargues R. Depistage systematique de Neisseria gonorrhoeae dans un centre d'interruption de grossesse. Médecine et maladies infectieuses. 1983;13 Spec No:677-8.
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