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Villes et bourgs du Perigord et du Pays de Brive: approche fonctionnelle et demographique (troisieme quart du XXe siecle). III. La croissance demographique et ses composantes

Auteurs : Genty MDate 1981, Vol 30, Num 1, pp 79-127Revue : Revue économique du Sud-OuestType de publication : article de périodique;

This is the third in a series of articles based on the author's thesis. In the present article, demographic growth and its components are examined for the cities and towns in the French regions of Perigord and Pays de Brive over the period 1954-1975. Particular attention is given to the impact of migration, and trends in age structure and socio-occupational composition are discussed.

Mot-clés auteurs
Age Distribution; Demographic Factors; Developed Countries; Europe; France; Geographic Factors; Mediterranean Countries; Migration; Migration; Internal; Occupations; Population; Population Characteristics; Population Dynamics; Population Growth; Socioeconomic Status; Spatial Distribution; Urban Population--changes; Urban Spatial Distribution; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Genty M. Villes et bourgs du Perigord et du Pays de Brive: approche fonctionnelle et demographique (troisieme quart du XXe siecle). III. La croissance demographique et ses composantes. Rev Econ Sud Ouest. 1981;30(1):79-127.
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