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Numeration des spermatozoides et risque d'infertilite.

Auteurs : Spira ADate 1979 Août, Vol 7, Num 8, pp 565-7Revue : Contraception, fertilité, sexualitéType de publication : article de périodique;

There is a vast literature about the normal values of sperm count and about male infertility. However, it is methodogically rather difficult to establish a lower limit below which, without reaching azoospermia, one can suspect a risk of infertility. This limit might be around 20 million/ml, while the mean value of sperm count in fertile men has been calculated to be 107 million/ml.

Mot-clés auteurs
Examinations And Diagnoses; Infertility; Laboratory Examinations And Diagnoses; Laboratory Procedures; Reproduction; Sperm Count;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Spira A. Numeration des spermatozoides et risque d'infertilite. Contraception, fertilité, sexualité. 1979 Août;7(8):565-7.
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