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Confrontation d'experiences et perspectives sur le fonctionnement des centres d'orthogenie.

Auteurs : Basuyaux M, Gallimard E, Delaby JP, Simet-lutin, Hainaut, Perets, Darmon, Verdoux C, Dio JP, Brunerie JDate 1974 Janvier, Vol 2, Num 1, pp 55-64Revue : Contraception, fertilité, sexualitéType de publication : article de périodique;

The bureaucratic aspects of establishing and operating a "centre d'orthogenie" (contraception clinic) and a "centre de planinication et d'education familiale" (family planning center) are discussed. The "orthogenics" centers are authorized to provide medical and psychosocial services, but are oriented toward the "reproductive organism" only. About 100 such centers exist in France as of November 1973, excluding private clinics such as that at the Hospital Notre-Dame de Bon Secours opened in 1963. No family planning and education centers are operating to date. The law requires that these centers be staffed by a director who is a gynecologist-obstetrician, a psychiatrist, a midwife, a marital counselor and social worker. Furthermore, the facility must be at least 70 square meters and have rooms for counseling, medical consultation, waiting room, toilet room, 2 dressing rooms, soundprooffing and fireproof paint, besides specified equipment and official permits. Much discussion concentrated on government subsidies, prescriptions, official permits, salary scales, how to deal with government officials, whether to do abortions and how to handle abortion requests. A network of family planning centers founded in Guadeloupe in 1964, now 78 clinics, was described briefly.

Mot-clés auteurs
Europe; Family Planning; Family Planning Programs; France; Organization And Administration; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Basuyaux M, Gallimard E, Delaby J P, Simet-lutin, Hainaut, Perets, Darmon, Verdoux C, Dio J P, Brunerie J. Confrontation d'experiences et perspectives sur le fonctionnement des centres d'orthogenie. Contraception, fertilité, sexualité. 1974 Jan;2(1):55-64.
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