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Les nouveaux D.I.U.

Auteurs : Kahn-nathan J, Cohen J, Leblanc EJ, Simon P, Newton J, Rozenbaum H, Seneze M, Espagno MDate 1974 Janvier, Vol 2, Num 1, pp 39-53Revue : Contraception, fertilité, sexualitéType de publication : article de périodique;

Copper IUDs and Dalkon Shields are discussed by this panel in terms of mode of action, efficacy, expulsions, side effects, technique of insertion and insertion in specific situations, e.g., after abortion, caesarean section, oral contraception, and in nulliparas. Data were presented on Gravigarde and Byla brands of Copper 7s and on copper T-200, showing better pregnancy rates, .8 to 1.7%, and 2.4% to 6% for Dalkon Shields, than those usually reported for inert or longitudinal IUDs. A lengthy description of the technique for inserting Gravigarde (Copper-7) IUDs was concluded by summarizing its advantages, such as painless insertion, high efficacy few side effects and suitability for nulliparas, and its disadvantages such as high price, limited lifetime and poorly designed insertion device. Another discussant added that the thread is likely to retract, so it should be trimmed longer than recommended by the manufacturer. A histochemical study of 50 endometrial biopsies found all parameters normal except that the pentose phosphate shunt enzymes were less active. In the question period the speakers recommended no particular precautions for cases of medical abortion, oral contraception, nulliparas, normal caesarean sections, but in cases of septic abortion, very young nulliparas or complicated caesarean section, careful judgement in needed when inserting IUDs.

Mot-clés auteurs
Contraception; Contraceptive Effectiveness; Contraceptive Methods; Family Planning; Insertion; Iud; Iud; Copper Releasing; Iud; Unmedicated; Use-effectiveness;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Kahn-nathan J, Cohen J, Leblanc E J, Simon P, Newton J, Rozenbaum H, Seneze M, Espagno M. Les nouveaux D.I.U. Contraception, fertilité, sexualité. 1974 Jan;2(1):39-53.
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