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Quel avenir pour le recensement de la population?

Auteurs : Larmuseau H, Van Der Haegen H, Van Waelvelde W, Veys DDate 1986, Num 77, pp 3-22Revue : Etudes StatistiquesType de publication : article de périodique;

This is an overview of the development of population censuses in Belgium. Commentary on census purposes and objectives is followed by a history of the census in Belgium, with attention paid to intervals between censuses and to methodologies. Background on the development of survey questions is provided, concerning areas such as social class, nationality, fertility in marriage, educational status, languages spoken, and residence by communal subdivision. There is a discussion of the 1981 housing survey, with a focus on objectives and methodology. Finally, the future of the population census in Belgium is addressed, with a critical analysis of current practices and proposals for alternatives to the traditional population census report.

Mot-clés auteurs
Belgium; Census; Communication; Critique; Cultural Background; Data Collection; Demographic Factors; Demography; Developed Countries; Economic Factors; Educational Status; Ethnic Groups; Europe; Fertility; Geographic Factors; Historical Demography; Historical Survey; Housing; Language; Marriage; Nuptiality; Philosophical Overview; Population; Population Characteristics; Population Dynamics; Population Statistics; Recommendations; Research Methodology; Residence Characteristics; Social Sciences; Socioeconomic Factors; Socioeconomic Status; Spatial Distribution; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Larmuseau H, Van Der Haegen H, Van Waelvelde W, Veys D. Quel avenir pour le recensement de la population?. Etudes Stat Inst Natl Stat. 1986;(77):3-22.
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