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Emploi et education dans le 2eme plan de developpement economique et social du Togo.

Auteurs : Dovi-sodemekou FBDate 1985, Num 10, pp 89 p.Revue : Etudes togolaises de populationType de publication : article de périodique;

Togo is a developing country whose population is increasing at the rapid rate of 2.7%/year. Economic development is therefore a necessity to ensure at least an average standard of living. Plans of development include objectives of structural societal changes, including improvements in education and employment. This study analyzes the evolution of population activities. It identifies obstacles to the improvement of education and employment. The investigation examines the employment and education situation before adoption of the 2nd plan of Togo and predicts the probable evolution of the situation. Despite the priority accorded to agriculture, the 2nd plan appears to give greater importance to industry. The industrial and commercial sector has witnessed a 65.2% investment increase, whereas the rural sector had an investment increase of 11.8%. The 2nd plan, in view of its relation to the evolution of economic activities, took into account the demand for manual labor. In the private sector, industries should occupy an important position. The dualism of a modern and a traditional sector is considered a cause of underdevelopment. The modern sector should be developed in order to suppress the traditional sector and allow progress in society. As a result of this approach, agriculture is given a 2ndary role.

Mot-clés auteurs
Africa; Africa South Of The Sahara; Agricultural Development; Developing Countries; Development Planning; Economic Conditions; Economic Development; Economic Factors; Education; Employment Status; French Speaking Africa; Goals; Industry; Macroeconomic Factors; Organization And Administration; Planning; Private Sector; Public Sector; Research Report; Social Development; Socioeconomic Factors; Socioeconomic Status; Togo; Unemployment; Western Africa;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Dovi-sodemekou F B. Emploi et education dans le 2eme plan de developpement economique et social du Togo. Etud Togol Popul. 1985;(10):89 p..
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