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Appreciation de l'efficacite d'une association veinotonique protecteur capillaire comme traitement des metrorragies de la contraception par D.I.U. ou par micropilule.

Auteurs : Monteil-seurin J, Bernard-fernier MF, Martinaggi P, Demarez JP, Cauquil J, Lafont ADate 1985 Mai, Vol 13, Num 5, pp 721-5Revue : Contraception, fertilité, sexualitéType de publication : article de périodique;

Results are presented of a double blind trial of a venotonic capillary protector for treatment of metrorrhagia due to IUD or progestin micropill contraception. 20 randomly selected patients each with Gravigarde IUDs or using the low-dose oral contraceptive (OC) Milligynon containing norethindrone acetate received the venotonic while 20 others using each method received a placebo. The venotonic and placebo were to be taken in 4 daily capsules during 3 20-day treatment periods interrupted by the menstrual periods. Assessment criteria for the drug included subjective reports of improvement and objective reports of the number of days of bleeding intermenstrually, duration of bleeding, and number of sanitary napkins needed. The 2 groups of IUD users and the 2 groups of OC users were comparable in age, weight, and height. The duration of use of the IUD averaged about 7 months in both study and control groups. The pretreatment duration of intermenstrual bleeding averaged 8.5 days in the IUD treatment group, 6.8 in the IUD placebo group, 7.5 in the OC treatment group, and 6.6 in the OC placebo group. In all groups about 3 sanitary napkins were required for each episode. After 3 treatment cycles, 70% of patients in the 2 treatment groups but only 10% in the placebo groups reported that discomfort due to bleeding was absent or slight. Both treatment groups experienced highly significant reductions in the duration of intermenstrual bleeding, but the frequency of bleeding was very significantly lowered only after 3 treatment cycles. Tolerance of treatment was good or very good throughout the study for both the treatment and placebo groups.

Mot-clés auteurs
Biology; Bleeding; Contraception; Contraceptive Agents; Female; Contraceptive Agents; Progestin--side effects; Contraceptive Agents--side effects; Contraceptive Methods--side effects; Diseases; Double-blind Studies; Epidemiologic Methods; Family Planning; Genital Effects; Female; Genitalia; Genitalia; Female; Iud; Copper Releasing--side effects; Iud--side effects; Menstruation Disorders; Metrorrhagia; Oral Contraceptives; Oral Contraceptives; Low-dose; Physiology; Signs And Symptoms; Treatment; Urogenital Effects; Urogenital System;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Monteil-seurin J, Bernard-fernier M F, Martinaggi P, Demarez J P, Cauquil J, Lafont A. Appreciation de l'efficacite d'une association veinotonique protecteur capillaire comme traitement des metrorragies de la contraception par D.I.U. ou par micropilule. Contraception, fertilité, sexualité. 1985 Mai;13(5):721-5.
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