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Une enquete nationale sur la fecondite. XIX. Attentes et souhaits, et descendance constituee (1966-1975)

Auteurs : Morsa JDate 1981, Num 53, pp 93-104Revue : Population et familleType de publication : article de périodique;

This study explores whether the multi-round national fertility survey carried out in Belgium from 1966-75 reflects the changes in fertility goals and behavior that have affected Belgium and other Western European countries since 1965. The sample of married women was interviewed in 1966, 1970-71, and 1975-76 concerning their expected and desired family size as well as their fertility outcomes. The changed fertility goals were more likely to be demonstrated by the younger women and the more recently married, who would still have the opportunity to adjust their fertility downward. The sample as a whole expected to have 2.5 children in 1966 and 1970 and actually had 2.5 children in 1975. Those married less than 5 years in 1966 expected to have 2.4 children in 1966, 2.3 in 1970, and actually had 2.1 in 1975. Couples with no children who were married less than 5 years in 1966 expected to have 1.8 in 1966, 1.5 in 1970, and actually had 1.0 in 1975. 18.2% of the 726 women had fewer children in 1975 than they had expected in 1966, 66.2% had the same number, and 15.6% had more. Those who had no children in 1975 had desired 1.82 in 1966, 1.67 in 1970, and 1.58 in 1975. Couples who had 2 children in 1975 had desired 2.36 in 1966, 2.23 in 1970, and 2.09 in 1975. Those with 3 had desired 2.81 in 1966, 2.54 in 1970, and 2.63 in 1975. All those with 3 or more children in 1975 had desired fewer children in 1966 and 1970 on average than they currently had.

Mot-clés auteurs
Age Factors; Attitude; Behavior; Belgium; Birth Rate--changes; Contraception; Demographic Factors; Developed Countries; Europe; Family And Household; Family Characteristics; Family Size; Completed; Family Size; Desired--changes; Family Size; Expected; Family Size; Ideal; Family Size--changes; Fertility; Fertility Measurements; Fertility Surveys; Longitudinal Studies; Population; Population Characteristics; Population Dynamics; Psychological Factors; Psychosocial Factors; Social Change; Socioeconomic Factors; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Morsa J. Une enquete nationale sur la fecondite. XIX. Attentes et souhaits, et descendance constituee (1966-1975). Popul Famille. 1981;(53):93-104.
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