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Enquete des connaissances attitudes et pratiques sur les Camerounaises en 1973.

Auteurs : Lantum DNDate 1976 Septembre, Vol 1, Num 2, pp 178-92Revue : Jimlar mutaneType de publication : article de périodique;

A KAP survey taken in 1972/3 by the national organization of women's unions of Cameroon, (OFUNC) in old Western Cameroon revealed that women wanted an ideal family of 6 children and that the age of a woman at 1st marriage should be 18 years, which coincides with the normal age of legal majority. They have also voiced concern about the rapid population growth which is capable of reaching 7 million in 1982. The women have likewise preferred polygamy to monogamy, despite the fact the the majority are Christians. Their greatest desire was to see sex education taught in secondary schools. A certain number of them recommended teaching it at the end of primary education. These women reflected the general pronatalist attitudes and practices which coincided with the official attitude. It is evident that Cameroon remains sensible at this time to a world population problem and has proper characteristics of its national territory. (author's modified)

Mot-clés auteurs
Africa; Africa South Of The Sahara; Attitude; Behavior; Cameroon; Conferences And Congresses; Contraception; Contraceptive Usage; Developing Countries; Family Planning; Family Size; Ideal; French Speaking Africa; Kap Surveys; Knowledge; Marriage Age; Marriage Patterns; Middle Africa; Polygamy; Population Dynamics; Population Growth; Psychological Factors; Research Methodology; Research Report; Sampling Studies; Sex Education; Studies; Surveys; Time Factors; Women's Status;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Lantum D N. Enquete des connaissances attitudes et pratiques sur les Camerounaises en 1973. Jimlar Mutane. 1976 Sep;1(2):178-92.
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