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Relations pre-nuptiales et prevention de la grossesse. Evolution recente.

Auteurs : Julemont GDate 1980, Num 50-51, pp 119-36Revue : Population et familleType de publication : article de périodique;

In spite of their more or less rough character the 1st results of the complementary survey on fertility make it possible to discover a highly complex reality and to throw light on a phenomenon in full evolution. In the field of premarital relations the behavior of the young women participating in the survey corresponds practically with the adopted attitude. For the most part they are favorable to establishing such relations and have done so. Marriage consequently ceases to coincide with entry into sexual union, although it remains the place of procreation. Contradictory as it seems, women having premarital relations tend to use pregnancy prevention methods with the lowest efficiency rates, while after they are married they adopt the most efficient methods. Formal knowledge of efficient methods, especially the pill, seems to be latent, only manifesting itself after marriage. The reasons for this may be sought in a society in which adults and adolescents behave differently. Attitude toward premarital relations among society at large still encourages adolescents to hide such relations, leading to a failure to employ contraceptive methods that require seeing a doctor beforehand. The doctor's role as advisor is thus encouraged as a means to bridge a generation gap and help young people adopt contraception more successfully. (author's modified)

Mot-clés auteurs
Adolescents; Female; Behavior; Contraception; Contraceptive Methods Chosen; Contraceptive Usage; Family Planning; France; Marriage; Philosophical Overview; Premarital Sex Behavior; Research Report; Sex Behavior;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Julemont G. Relations pre-nuptiales et prevention de la grossesse. Evolution recente. Popul Famille. 1980;(50-51):119-36.
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