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Evolution de la population active feminine en Belgique: tendances de 1970 a 1977; premiere partie

Auteurs : Broerman MDate 1980, Vol 49, Num 1, pp 71-96Revue : Population et familleType de publication : article de périodique;

In the 1st section, the evolution of the active female population in Belgium was examined as a function of some social and demographic variables. The comparisons made cover the period 1970-77. The evolution in the rate of female activity during these 2 dates was analyzed and it was found that participation of women in economic activities is increasing. This is a recent phenomenon despite the serious economic recession Belgium has been experiencing since 1974. On examination of the overall volume of females employed in the total labor force, it was noted that the female labor force grew much more than did the male labor force. This increase in female activity made it possible to maintain the general rate of activity in the country. With regard to unemployment, there is an enormous disparity between the number of unemployed males and females. There is a rapidly rising trend in the number of females unemployed. In 1979, the rate of female unemployment was 3 times the rate of that of males. This situation existed in spite of the fact that the level of education in unemployed women was found to be distinctly higher than that of unemployed men. This was especially true of women less than 25 years of age who form a particularly vulnerable group. The influence of age on the activity curve of women was also studied. Peaks in 1977 existed for those ages 20-29, an age during which women raise young children. This discovery is confirmed by the remarkable advance in the activity of married women, which although recent, has taken on spectacular proportions during the last decade. The declining age at marriage, decreasing fertility, a rising trend for women in 1977 to postpone their 1st birth, and the decrease in family size are all factors which only must be briefly analyzed to discover that women in 1977 are in better position to participate in the professional world. They thereby display a desire to arrive at independence through work in spite of the obstacles encountered in this environment. (author's)

Mot-clés auteurs
Age Factors; Belgium; Demographic Factors; Developed Countries; Economic Factors; Employment Status; Europe; Historical Survey; Human Resources; Labor Force--women; Marriage Age; Population; Population Decrease; Socioeconomic Factors; Socioeconomic Status; Unemployment; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Broerman M. Evolution de la population active feminine en Belgique: tendances de 1970 a 1977; premiere partie. Popul Famille. 1980;49(1):71-96.
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