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Experience de 1174 IUD en pratique omnipracticienne.

Auteurs : Thocaven PDate 1979 Septembre, Vol 7, Num 9, pp 599-606Revue : Contraception, fertilité, sexualitéType de publication : article de périodique;

The author presents a retrospective study on the acceptability and effectiveness of several types of IUD. The study was conducted on 1174 cases personally observed, for a total of 10,356 cycles. Insertion was always preceded by a complete gynecological examination; there were postmenstrual, post-cesarean section, and pos- abortum insertions. All patients were examined twice a year. There were no perforations, 3.59% of cases of pregnancy, 2% of infections successfully treated, 2.08% expulsions, 2.08% removals for medical reasons, 3.12% removals for pregnancy. Continuation rate was 87.11%; the majority of users were between 26-35, and 63.37% had already had 1 induced abortion. It seemed evident that the insertion of an IUD immediately after induced abortion was the best way to avoid a second abortion. Effectiveness of any type of IUD seemed to increase with parity as well as, unfortunately, incidence of infection, expulsion, and bleeding.

Mot-clés auteurs
Abortion; Induced; Family Planning; Fertility Control; Postconception; Insertion; Iud; Parity; Postabortion; Reproduction; Research Methodology; Retrospective Studies; Studies; Use-effectiveness;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Thocaven P. Experience de 1174 IUD en pratique omnipracticienne. Contraception, fertilité, sexualité. 1979 Sep;7(9):599-606.
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