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Sterilisation sous coelioscopie.

Auteurs : Magre J, Leroux P, Lerat MF, Herve P, Ledanois ADate 1973 Mai 30, Vol 26, Num 12, pp 1295-9Revue : Ouest-médicalType de publication : article de périodique;

100 consecutive laparoscopic sterilizations done in Nantes, France are reviewed. Patients averaged 34.6 years, 4.4 children, 1.1 abortions, and indications included 49 maternal, 5 fetal, 24 psychiatric, and 22 social. The technique involved insertion of a celioscope with Wolf cold optics and Palmer biopsy forceps in separate incisions on either side of the umbilicus, cauterization of 2 sites several mm apart in an avascular region of the isthmus about 15 mm from the uterine horn, then section of the tube. Great care was exercised to ensure that tubes were anatomically normal, without adhesions. Operators had performed at least 500 exploratory celioscopies. Patients routinely received oral antibiotics, a Redon drain in the biopsy forceps incision, and gentle hysterography during 3 cycles of follow-up. They were hospitalized 2-3 days, permitted light activity until return to work in 8 days. There was 1 pregnancy in progress before operation, but no failures. Complications included 3 sterilizations done surgically because of abnormal oviducts, 1 internal hemorrhage from wounding the subtubal arcade, and 2 superficial burns of the operator's hands. The authors discussed indications, believing that sterilization is immoral and illegal if done at the woman's request only.

Mot-clés auteurs
Clinical Research; Contraception; Contraceptive Effectiveness; Endoscopy; Equipment And Supplies; Europe; Evaluation; Examinations And Diagnoses; Family Planning; Female Sterilization--complications; Female Sterilization--indications; France; Gynecologic Surgery; Laparoscopy; Physical Examinations And Diagnoses; Research Methodology; Sterilization; Sexual; Surgery; Surgical Equipment; Treatment; Urogenital Surgery; Use-effectiveness; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Magre J, Leroux P, Lerat M F, Herve P, Ledanois A. Sterilisation sous coelioscopie. Ouest Med. 1973 Mai 30;26(12):1295-9.
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