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Enquete de surveillance de femmes sous contraception.

Auteurs : Feinerman D, Rabarison Y, Cohen JDate 1972 Janvier, Vol 4, Num 1, pp 33-44Revue : Fertilité, orthogénieType de publication : article de périodique;

Records of 908 patients of 10 Parisian gynecologists are included in these preliminary results of an ongoing 3-year survey of patient characteristics and consequences of contraception in France. The population averaged 26.8 years, parity 1.1; 39% were single, 21% not working, 15% students, the rest working. These characteristics, and the methods chosen, differed widely among patients of different physicians. 55.5% first chose pills, 26% IUDs, 18.5% chose diaphragm; of these, 28 pill patients, 11 IUD patients and 13 diaphragm patients then chose another method. The second choices were pills by 17, IUDs by 15, and diaphragms by 20. Those who chose pills tended to be single, working, nulliparas, and without previous contraceptive history. IUD and diaphragm users were similar in these characteristics. 7 types of IUDs (61% Corolle, 25% Saf-T-Coil, 16% Omega, 11% Trefle, 10% Sterilem, 6% Lippes loop, 1% Canel) resulted in 23 (9.7%) patients with bleeding side effects and 17 (7.1%) expulsions. 75% of pill patients took Stediril, 25% took 12 other types. Chief complications were weight gain in 11 (1%), nervousness or depression in 11, bleeding in 7, and nausea in 7. There were 7 accidental pregnancies, 2 with IUDs in place, 1 after expulsion (3.5% Pearl index), 4 pregnancies with diaphragm (11.06% Pearl index), and 2 unplanned pregnancies after the women stopped their pill and diaphragm because of their partner's objections.

Mot-clés auteurs
Barrier Methods; Contraception; Contraceptive Methods; Developed Countries; Europe; Family Planning; Follow-up Studies; France; Iud; Mediterranean Countries; Oral Contraceptives; Research Methodology; Sampling Studies; Studies; Surveys; Vaginal Barrier Methods; Vaginal Diaphragm; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Feinerman D, Rabarison Y, Cohen J. Enquete de surveillance de femmes sous contraception. Fertil Orthog. 1972 Jan;4(1):33-44.
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