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Circulaire du 27 fevrier 1992 relative aux manifestations qui visent a paralyser le fonctionnement des centres d'interruption volontaire de grossesse.

Auteurs : FranceDate 1992 Mars 4, pp 3251-2Revue : Journal Officiel De La Republique Francaise, Edition Des Lois Et DecretsType de publication : législation;

This Circular, which supplements a Circular of 11 January 1991 on the same subject, is addressed to regional and departmental health centers in France. It advises them to take the following actions with respect to demonstrations against abortion: a) increase efforts to provide information to and heighten the awareness of all personnel who may be confronted by demonstrations, particularly on the necessity for accuracy in accounts that they may later give to police concerning the identification of demonstrators and possible criminal prosecutions; b) strengthen security; c) ensure that the police are immediately called if a health center is disrupted by demonstrators so that order can be restored; and d) file complaints after every disruption and provide information to persons who have been harmed and wish to file complaints, while, at the same time, protecting the anonymity of women who have come to the centers for abortions. The Circular also raises the possibility of civil suits against demonstrators and their organizations. On 30 September 1992, four members of an anti-abortion groups who had disrupted a clinic were sentenced to four months imprisonment and a fine of 3,000 francs.

Mot-clés auteurs
Abortion Centers--legal aspects; Anti-abortion Groups--legal aspects; Delivery Of Health Care; Developed Countries; Europe; France; Health; Health Facilities; Interest Groups; Laws And Statutes; Mediterranean Countries; Political Factors; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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France. Circulaire du 27 fevrier 1992 relative aux manifestations qui visent a paralyser le fonctionnement des centres d'interruption volontaire de grossesse. J Off Repub Fr Ed Lois Decrets. 1992 Mar 4:3251-2.
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