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Decret no. 91-272 du 12 mars 1991 fixant les modalites de fonctionnement du comite consultatif pour le controle de l'immigration et des etrangers en Polynesie francaise institue par l'article 4V de la loi no. 90-612 du 12 juillet 1990.

Auteurs : France. Ministere des Departements et Territoires d'Outre-MerDate 1991 Mars 14, pp 3638Revue : Journal Officiel De La Republique Francaise, Edition Des Lois Et DecretsType de publication : législation;

This Decree sets forth rules on the operation, composition, and administration of the Consultative Committee for the Control of Immigration and Foreigners in French Polynesia. The Committee consists of eight members, half representatives of the French Government and half representatives of the Government of French Polynesia, and is presided over by the High Commissioner and the President of the Government of French Polynesia, or their representatives. The Committee is to be consulted on questions relating to the control of immigration and foreigners, including the issuance of visas for stays in French Polynesia exceeding 3 months. It is authorized to make recommendations on measures to control immigration and foreigners, including recommendations on applications for permission to stay in French Polynesia. The deliberations of the Committee are private, and information contained in applications or files that it examines is confidential. Further provisions of the Decree deal with meetings, witnesses, and decisions of the Government of French Polynesia with respect to the recommendations of the Committee.

Mot-clés auteurs
Demographic Factors; Developing Countries; Foreigners--legal aspects; French Polynesia; Government Agencies; International Migration--legal aspects; Knowledge; Laws And Statutes; Micronesia-polynesia; Migration; Migration Policy; Nationality; Oceania; Organizations; Permits; Policy; Polynesia; Population; Population Characteristics; Population Dynamics; Population Policy; Social Policy;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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France. Ministere des Departements et Territoires d'Outre-Mer. Decret no. 91-272 du 12 mars 1991 fixant les modalites de fonctionnement du comite consultatif pour le controle de l'immigration et des etrangers en Polynesie francaise institue par l'article 4V de la loi no. 90-612 du 12 juillet 1990. J Off Repub Fr Ed Lois Decrets. 1991 Mar 14:3638.
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