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Vietnam: pratique excessive de l'avortement.

Auteurs : Donnay FDate 1994 Mai, Num 25, pp 16Revue : Entre nous : the European family planning magazineType de publication : article de périodique;

In major health facilities in Vietnam, many patients wait for an abortion while few patients are in family planning consultation rooms. The abortion procedure takes no more than 2 minutes/ patient. Anesthesia is rarely used. In the north, the predominant abortion method for first trimester abortions is dilatation and curettage (D&C) while, in the south, it is vacuum aspiration. For second trimester abortions, the methods from which to choose are D&C or saline solution. After the abortion, the patients rests for 30 minutes before returning home, often by bicycle or moped. Adolescent pregnancies are rare in Vietnam because of strict rules on premarital sex. At a clinic in Hanoi, only 7% of all abortions involve adolescents. Abortion is a fertility control method in Vietnam. The abortion rate is 2-4 abortions/live birth. 50% of the population of reproductive age use no contraception. 33% use IUDs. The 1992 total fertility rate was 3.2. While waiting for an abortion, women are suppose to receive counseling on contraception, but that is not the case. Clinics do not always have adequate equipment or antiseptics to perform abortions. They perform 30-50 abortions/2 hour sessions. During this time, sterilization of instruments is supposed to occur, which leaves little time for counseling. Abortions are performed the same day as requested. Women have no opportunity to discuss them with their husband or to obtain family consent. About 90% of women know at least 1 modern family planning method. About 50% of them have ever used a modern method. Most family planning practitioners are women (80% of physicians and all nurses and midwives). One week of formal training for midwives covers family planning. Midwives and general practitioners are authorized to perform menstrual regulation and to insert and remove IUDs. Medical students are required to work in an obstetrics/gynecology department for 20 weeks.

Mot-clés auteurs
Abortion Rate; Abortion; Induced; Abortion; Saline Solution; Asia; Clinic Activities; Contraception; Contraceptive Usage; Counseling; Curettage; Developing Countries; Education; Family Planning; Family Planning Training; Fertility Control; Postcoital; Fertility Control; Postconception; Knowledge; Menstrual Regulation; Obstetrical Surgery; Program Activities; Programs; Southeastern Asia; Surgery; Training Programs; Treatment; Vacuum Aspiration; Viet Nam;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Donnay F. Vietnam: pratique excessive de l'avortement. Entre nous : the European family planning magazine. 1994 Mai;(25):16.
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