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Note d'Estonie: de l'avortement a la contraception.

Auteurs : Pierotti DDate 1994 Mai, Num 25, pp 12Revue : Entre nous : the European family planning magazineType de publication : article de périodique;

The abortion rate in Estonia is very high (1991, 158 abortions/100 live births). In the midst of political change and the worsening economic situation, Estonia must find its own way to shift from a centralized economy to a market economy. In Estonia, abortion is a social norm and is becoming worse, the traditional suppliers of contraceptives have disappeared. The Ministry of Health has no financial means to buy contraceptives. It has been given no credit. The estimated contraceptive prevalence rate is 23% for the IUD and 7% for oral contraceptives (OCs). Contraceptives are difficult to obtain and are very expensive. A 1-month supply of OCs cost 8-10% of the mean base salary. Through the department of medicine of the University of Goteborg and WHO, the Swedish Agency for International Development is providing a grant of US$ 135,000 to an information campaign for women on maternal and child health care and family planning. This 2-year campaign aims to reduce induced abortions in Tallinn between January 1993 and December 1994 by 80% among the 1750 women requesting an abortion each year. It will inform women about contraceptive methods. The project will offer them clinical exams, which are either free of charge or at a very low price, and family planning services immediately after an abortion or at the time of other consultations. The project will also publish informational brochures for women and brochures on applicable principles for gynecologists. An informational service will be set up before the project begins for concerned persons. The projects' objectives include elevate family planning to the national level by creating a central administration within the Ministry of Social Affairs, improve the family planning services offered to 2000 adolescents, and offer family planning services to women delivering at the hospital in Tallinn. After 18 months, this project will be evaluated. Eventually, it will be extended based on the results of the evaluation.

Mot-clés auteurs
Abortion Rate; Abortion; Induced; Contraception--cost; Contraceptive Availability; Contraceptive Usage; Developed Countries; Eastern Europe; Estonia; Europe; Family Planning; Family Planning Programs; Fertility Control; Postconception; Iec; Northern Europe; Program Activities; Programs; Scandinavia; Sweden;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Pierotti D. Note d'Estonie: de l'avortement a la contraception. Entre nous : the European family planning magazine. 1994 Mai;(25):12.
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