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Considerations socio-ethiques sur le choix du sexe de l'enfant (a partir d'une enquete portant sur 200 femmes)

Auteurs : Halayem M, Ammou H, Mhenni HDate 1987, Num 5-6, pp 71-6Revue : al-Usrah wa-al-ʿumrān al-basharīType de publication : article de périodique;

This survey on sex preference was done in 5 Basic Health and Maternal-Child Health Centers in the region of Tunis, Tunisia. A questionnaire was presented to a sample of 200 women of various social positions, 75% of them were 30 years old. 95% of the sample had several children, 50% had more than 3. When asked what sex was their preference for their next children, 38% wanted sons, 36% wanted girls. They said that their husbands preferred to have sons. Women preferred a son when a majority of their children were girls, unlike the fathers who were said to prefer sons, even though sons were already a majority of their children. 67% of the women wanted to know the sex of their future child before birth (Only 36% were in that state of mind in France at that time). 58% of the women wished to have the control of the determination of their future child's sex. These trends toward the control of a child's sex follow a traditional pattern, which reinforces the acceptability of modern medical methods.

Mot-clés auteurs
Africa; Arab Countries; Attitude; Behavior; Data Analysis; Daughters; Developing Countries; Examinations And Diagnoses; Family And Household; Family Characteristics; Family Relationships; French Speaking Africa; Laboratory Examinations And Diagnoses; Mediterranean Countries; Northern Africa; Psychological Factors; Reproduction; Reproductive Technologies; Research Methodology; Sampling Studies; Sex Preference; Sex Preselection; Sons; Studies; Summary Report; Surveys; Tunisia; Value Orientation;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Halayem M, Ammou H, Mhenni H. Considerations socio-ethiques sur le choix du sexe de l'enfant (a partir d'une enquete portant sur 200 femmes). Al Usrah Wa Al Umran Al Bashari. 1987;(5-6):71-6.
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