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La planification familiale en Tunisie: raisons d'un succes et strategie du futur

Auteurs : Laajimi ADate 1987, Num 5-6, pp 48-70Revue : al-Usrah wa-al-ʿumrān al-basharīType de publication : article de périodique;

Tunisia has been pioneering family planning in Maghreb, with much success. In Tunisia, family planning has a strong legal basis, which has helped to delay marital age (only 9% of women 19 years old are married in Tunisia), and to make contraceptives accessible (legalization of abortion). The Social Security policy is favoring the reduction of family size. Tunisia has 800 Family Planning Centers and mobile clinics in remote areas. In 1983, 30.7% of Tunisian women were using contraceptives (pill 5.2, IUD 13.1, tubal ligation 12.4). The low use of the pill should be reversed through promotion and information. Though information on contraceptives is well developed for married people, it should be extended to young married couples (Contraceptive use is almost nul for young couples), and to teenagers (46.6% of single mothers are 20 years old), and should concentrate on young men. Thanks to the existence of 4 Faculties of Medicine, family planning is now handled by local gynecologists and midwives, but contraceptive education should be extended to the medical profession in its entirety. The National Office of Family and Population has 2 research centers: 1) the Population Department, where demographers and statisticians evaluate the activities of the Family Planning Program, and establish a data bank on demographic parameters, and 2) the Center of Research on Human Reproduction, which evaluates the psychosocial and medical acceptability of contraceptive methods. It also contributes to the training of medical and paramedical personnel. It is currently completing studies on, the post-abortion insertion of IUD, and the acceptability of vaginal rings, and is studying the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases on sterility.

Mot-clés auteurs
Achievement; Africa; Arab Countries; Behavior; Contraception; Contraceptive Usage; Developing Countries; Family Planning; Family Planning Policy; Family Planning Program Evaluation; French Speaking Africa; Government Agencies; Health Services Evaluation; Mediterranean Countries; Northern Africa; Organization And Administration; Organizations; Policy; Population Policy; Program Activities; Program Evaluation; Programs; Social Policy; Summary Report; Tunisia;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Laajimi A. La planification familiale en Tunisie: raisons d'un succes et strategie du futur. Al Usrah Wa Al Umran Al Bashari. 1987;(5-6):48-70.
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