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Activites d'espacement des naissances - 1er trimestre 1992.

Date 1993 Avril, Vol 1, Num 1, pp 1-3Revue : Bulletin trimestriel du planning familialType de publication : article de périodique;

The activity reports for the first three months of 1992 for 105 of Algeria's 178 health sectors indicate that there were 40,572 new acceptors, including 39,790 oral contraceptive (OC) acceptors and 2664 IUD insertions. The sum of the OC and IUD acceptors exceeds the number of new acceptors due to method changes. There were 1858 IUD removals, 518 expulsions, and 916 reinsertions. Overall, 94% of new acceptors chose OCs and only 6% chose IUDs. The quarterly activity reports are the basis for evaluation of the family planning program. The data provide information that is useful in assuring that supplies are adequate and that activities are well programmed. The reports include the number of new acceptors by month, quarter, and year, and by center, health sector, wilaya, and nationally, as well as the methods chosen and the quantity of pill cycles distributed and of IUDs used.

Mot-clés auteurs
Acceptors; Acceptors; New; Africa; Algeria; Arab Countries; Data Reporting; Developing Countries; Family Planning; Family Planning Clinic Attendance; Family Planning Program Evaluation; Family Planning Programs; French Speaking Africa; Mediterranean Countries; Northern Africa;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Activites d'espacement des naissances - 1er trimestre 1992. Bull Trimest Plan Fam. 1993 Avr;1(1):1-3.
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