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La population de la ville de Nanga-Eboko: resultats du recencement de Juillet 1983.

Auteurs : Badiane W, Bangue B, Boukpessi T, Emmanuel C, Dakuyo LM, Gaigbe Togbe V, Ganga AD, Murara J, Mvilakanda G, Ntahomvukiye JDate 1987 Juin, Vol 11, Num 1, pp 1-142Revue : Les Annales de l'I.F.O.R.DType de publication : article de périodique;

This document from the Institute of Demographic Training and Research (IFORD) presents results of a training census conducted and analyzed by IFORD students. The census of the semirural town of Nanga-Eboko, Cameroon, was conducted in July 1983, after a preliminary census of the school population in March and April which will be analyzed and published separately. 10,478 residents were enumerated, of whom 8780 were present and 1698 mostly young people were absent. 846 visitors were also counted. 4138 male and 4642 female residents were present, while 777 male and 921 female residents were absent. Some errors were detected in age declaration, but the Whipple and Myers indexes together showed that age declaration was not too unsatisfactory and that it was better among males. 43.7% of the population was under 15, 49.9% was 15-59, and 6.2% was 60 and over. 46.9% of the total population was male and 53.1% female. The average ages were 21.7 for males and 24.7 for females. Each ethnic group had the same young age structure as the total population. 67.3% were Catholic, 24.4% Protestant, and 2.8% Muslim. 1% of the population was foreign born, with persons of African origin accounting for 78%. The major ethnic groups were the Yaounde 1, the Bamileke, the Beti, the Bantu, the Boulou, and the Bassa. 1909 households were enumerated, and the average household size was 5.49. 17.1% of households had only 1 person and 15.9% had 10 or more. 26.2% of household heads were women, 60.1% were married men, and 13.9% were single persons. Among males aged 12 or over, 53.5% were single, 33.8% had 1 wife, 5.9% had 2 wives, 1.3% had 3 wives, 3% had 4 or more wives, 2.4% were widowed, and 2.8% were divorced. Among women 12 and over, 38.7% were single, 27.8% were in monogamous and 14.4% in polygamous marriages, 13.8% were widows, and 5.3% were divorced. 18.2% of married men were polygamous, and married men had an average of 1.24 wives each. The average marriage age was 27.2 for men and 23.5 for women. Fertility appeared to be underestimated in the data, probably due to omission of births by older women. The crude birth rate was estimated at 40.8/1000. A high proportion of women beginning in the 35-39 cohort had never had children. Fertility was higher among the more educated women, while female labor force participation had little effect. Fertility patterns are changing because of increased school attendance among young women and better health and sanitary conditions. Life expectancy at birth is estimated at 58.1 years and the infant mortality rate at 72/1000 live births. Nanga-Eboko lacks any significant industry but it is an important center of migration because of its schools. School attendance is almost universal among children 6-12 and 63% of the population aged 15-19 attends secondary school. 39% of the population 10 or over is economically active. 18.6% of males and 46.3% of females aged 10 or over are illiterate.

Mot-clés auteurs
Africa; Africa South Of The Sahara; Age Factors; Cameroon; Census; Census Methods; Cultural Background; Data Collection; Demographic Factors; Developing Countries; Economic Factors; Education; Educational Status; Ethnic Groups; Family And Household; Fertility; French Speaking Africa; Head Of Household; Households; Iec; Marriage; Marriage Patterns; Microcensus; Middle Africa; Migration; Nuptiality; Organization And Administration; Population; Population Characteristics; Population Dynamics; Population Statistics; Program Activities; Programs; Research Methodology; Sex Factors; Socioeconomic Factors; Socioeconomic Status; Training Activities; Training Programs;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Badiane W, Bangue B, Boukpessi T, Emmanuel C, Dakuyo L M, Gaigbe Togbe V, Ganga A D, Murara J, Mvilakanda G, Ntahomvukiye J. La population de la ville de Nanga-Eboko: resultats du recencement de Juillet 1983. Ann IFORD. 1987 Juin;11(1):1-142.
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