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Insertion précoce des dispositifs intra-utérins en postpartum

Auteurs : Castadot RGDate 1975 Août, Vol 104, Num 8, pp 1233-6Revue : L'union médicale du CanadaType de publication : article de périodique;

Early postpartum and postabortion IUD insertions are discussed. This timing takes advantage of the favorable psychological climate for birth control. Insertion (Lippes loop) must be deep in the uterine cavity to minimize the risk of expulsion; with appropriate technique, expulsion occurs in 23% of patients, with the lowest rate occurring on the 4th postpartum day. Complications (hemorrhage, infection, pain, perforation) are not more frequent than in late insertions. Continuation rates are also more favorable among women who have received an IUD in the postpartum period. The risk of expulsion is even smaller after abortion, as is the complication rate; and the psychological advantages are greater. This technique is especially valuable for a clientele which has difficulties returning for postnatal examinations and should help reduce the rates of repeated abortion.

Mot-clés auteurs
Contraception; Contraception Termination; Contraceptive Methods--complications; Family Planning; Iud--complications; Postabortion; Puerperium; Reproduction;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Castadot R G. Insertion précoce des dispositifs intra-utérins en postpartum. Union Med Can. 1975 Août;104(8):1233-6.
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