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Les envois de fonds des migrants et leur utilisation.

Auteurs : Lebon ADate 1984, Vol 22, Num 4, pp 281-333Revue : International migrationType de publication : article de périodique;

This report, prepared at the request of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), examines how remittances flow from employing countries to migrants' countries of origin and how they are used. The migrants examined largely come from Morocco, Turkey, Tunisia, Yugoslavia, Algeria, Portugal, Spain, and Italy, and work in France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Sweden, and The Netherlands. Part 1 of the paper collects basic data on the finance flows formed by migrants' remittances, as measured by the balances of payment of the countries exporting and receiving manpower. These flows are related to such concepts as savings for real tranfers. The article also analyzes their composition, evolution over the past decade, and economic significance. Part 2 examines the use to which funds transverred and brought home from abroad are put by the income-producing migrants. Reports, field surveys, and expert communications supply data to examine whether such capital is invested to aid economic development. Part 3 explains how financial and economic flows from employing countries can play a positive role in the the development of the countries of origin and how international cooperation can assist. Recent changes in the migration policies of the main countries of employment, which now offer incentives to foreign manpower to encourage their return to emigrating nations, make the topic of this report especially timely.

Mot-clés auteurs
Demographic Factors; Developed Countries; Economic Factors; Europe; Microeconomic Factors; Migrants; Migration; Northern Europe; Population; Population Dynamics; Remittances; Southern Europe; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Lebon A. Les envois de fonds des migrants et leur utilisation. International migration. 1984;22(4):281-333.
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