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La contraception chez les adolescents: aspects medico-psychologiques.

Auteurs : Stolla DDate 1979 Juin-Juillet, Vol 1, Num 3, pp 16-8Revue : GňitifType de publication : article de périodique;

Contraception for female adolescents presents particular problems not so much due to the users' age, as to their particular emotional state. Adolescents are economically dependent on their families, and are torn by the internal conflict of wanting to have sexual experiences, and the guilt feeling that still comes with them. In case of pregnancy abortion will always be traumatic. The IUD is an appropriate method of contraception for adolescents, but it entails a minimum of risk of genital infection with possible serious consequences. Local contraception is accepted with difficulty, and limited to young people with rare sexual encounters. Oral contraception is advisable; it is, however, often not followed exactly, resulting in abortion.

Mot-clés auteurs
Abortion; Induced; Adolescents; Adolescents; Female; Age Factors; Contraception; Contraceptive Usage; Demographic Factors; Family Planning; Population; Population Characteristics; Youth;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Stolla D. La contraception chez les adolescents: aspects medico-psychologiques. Genitif. 1979 Jui;1(3):16-8.
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