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La contraception de l'adolescente en centre de planification familiale: dispositions legislatives et problems d'applicaton.

Auteurs : Lefrere DDate 1979 Juin-Juillet, Vol 1, Num 3, pp 13-6Revue : GňitifType de publication : article de périodique;

Since 1975, contraceptive consultations at family planning centers were made free by law for minors. Such family planning centers must try to provide meaningful contraceptive counselling for adolescents. Even though today's teenagers reach biological maturity earlier, they achieve social maturity at a much later age. Adolescents who receive contraceptives after an abortion discontinue contraceptive use when their sexual relationship ends, then return to renew a contraceptive prescription when they find a new partner. Often adolescents will seek contraceptive information when they mistakenly believe they are pregnant or if they are planning (often just in their imaginations) to become sexually active. Sexually active adolescents who don't seek contraceptive counselling often want to become pregnant for complex psychological reaosns. It is best to set up the family planning center so that adolescents can have daily access to someone who can answer their questions. Our civilization appears to be approaching a stage where sexual intercourse is permitted as long as it is not intended for reproduction. The phsyician must have a personality that allows him to advise an adolescent without appearing to be telling him or her what to do. He must also be able to address the emotional aspects of contraception as well as the mechanical ones.

Mot-clés auteurs
Adolescents; Age Factors; Clinic Activities; Counseling; Delivery Of Health Care; Demographic Factors; Family Planning Centers; Family Planning Personnel; Family Planning Programs; Health; Health Facilities; Health Personnel; Organization And Administration; Physicians; Population; Population Characteristics; Program Activities; Programs; Youth;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Lefrere D. La contraception de l'adolescente en centre de planification familiale: dispositions legislatives et problems d'applicaton. Genitif. 1979 Jui;1(3):13-6.
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