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Evolution recente et repartition spatiale de la population en Grece (1951-1981)

Auteurs : Kolodny EDate 1983, Vol 50, Num 4, pp 43-50Revue : Méditerranée médicaleType de publication : article de périodique;

Data from four censuses of Greece for the years 1951 to 1981 are analyzed. Factors contributing to population growth during this period include a decline in emigration accompanied by return migration from the Federal Republic of Germany. Patterns of internal migration are also considered, with particular emphasis on the growth of medium-sized cities. (summary in ENG)

Mot-clés auteurs
Demographic Factors; Developed Countries; Europe; Geographic Factors; Germany; Federal Republic Of; Greece; International Migration; Mediterranean Countries; Migration; Migration; Internal; Population; Population Dynamics; Population Growth; Southern Europe; Spatial Distribution; Temporary Migration; Urban Spatial Distribution; Urbanization;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Kolodny E. Evolution recente et repartition spatiale de la population en Grece (1951-1981). Mediterr Med. 1983;50(4):43-50.
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