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Les nouveaux organismes d'information de conseil et de planification familiale.

Auteurs : Boschetti RDate 1976 Novembre 30, Vol 236, Num 18, pp 615-7Revue : Lyon médicalType de publication : article de périodique;

French legislation in 1972 prescribes 2 types of family planning centers applying the 1967 Neuwirth Law leagalizing contraception. The Centers for Family Planning and Education and the Establishments for Information, Consultation, and Family Counseling both provide education and counseling on family life and birth control. The Establishments, functional entities only, give general information on conjugal and family relations, while the Centers provide specialized medical services for birth control. The Centers are staffed by a medical director, midwife, social worker, and family and marriage counselor. The centers may be public or private, or part of a public hospital center, and are nonprofit institutions supported in part by Social Security. Staff teamwork is an absolute necessity in order to coordinate the psychosocial and medical aspects of their services to clients.

Mot-clés auteurs
Clinic Activities; Communication; Counseling; Developed Countries; Europe; Family Planning Programs; France; Mediterranean Countries; Organization And Administration; Program Activities; Programs; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Boschetti R. Les nouveaux organismes d'information de conseil et de planification familiale. Lyon Med. 1976 Nov 30;236(18):615-7.
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