locale xml de de AL_DCDM_APPNAME CISMeF DM AL_ADVSEARCHTIMC Title and keywords AL_CONSULT Sie können konsultieren: AL_NOWILDCARDACTIVATED (Suche ohne Platzhalter ist aktiviert) AL_HIERARCHYRESULTOTHERS Ungeordnete Ergebnisse AL_LISSASJRTIP SCImago Journal & Country Rank AL_NEW_RELATION_STRING Neue Relation AL_USERSELECTIONREMOVE Löschen Kategorie ... AL_MENUMODLIST TYPE_IDs list AL_RESOURCETYPE Ressourcentyp AL_QUESTIONECN ECN until 2015 AL_TYPEIDEDITSTRING Edit TYPE_ID AL_RESOURCESJUSTJCRTOP10STRING JCR Top 10% (PubMed) AL_BIBSTATSTOPAUTHORS Top authors AL_QUALIFIERSSTRING Erlaubte Bedingungen für diesen Deskriptor: AL_PWDCHANGECURRENT Current password AL_HETOP_NOANNOTATIONFORRELATION Kein Kommentar für diese Relation. AL_DBOHISTTITLE Changes history AL_DCINF_APPNAME CISMeF nurse AL_OPERATORAND AND AL_TYPESTRING Typ AL_HETOP_CLICKTOADDANNOTATION Klicken Sie, um eine Kommentar hinzuzufügen. AL_PAGESTRING Seite AL_CHATWINDOWCLEAR Clear instant messaging AL_DISPLAYALLLANGUAGES Alle Sprachen anzeigen AL_WHATSNEW What's new ? AL_CONSOLESTRING Logs AL_BIBSTATS_PROPORTION Proportion AL_RESOURCESALLRESOURCESSTRING Alle Quellen AL_ADVSEARCHMC Keywords only AL_PWDCHANGESUCCESS Your password has been successfully updated. It will be active for your next logging action. AL_BDBFROTHERLINKS Other links AL_EXPORTACTION Export AL_NBPERPAGE Antworten pro Seite AL_MENUADMINEMPTYCACHEOBJ Empty object cache AL_ADVSEARCHVOL Volume AL_MAJOR Haupt AL_SYSTEMRESTARTALERTWARNING Please save all your current modifications and log out from the application. AL_IMPORTFROMTEMPLATEACTION Import AL_MENUHIERARCHYMODULEGOTODOCUMENTLABEL Go to document AL_RENAMEDESKTOPICON Rename the shortcut AL_QUESTNOQUESTIONS Not available AL_CLIPBOARDTITLE Clipboard AL_SUPERVISIONWRONGINDEXINGSTATUS This status should not be supervised. AL_CLIPBOARDRESTAURE Restaure AL_DETAILSSTRING HeTOP Zuordnungsinhalt AL_EXPORTTEMPLATEADDCOLUMNLABEL Add AL_IMPORTBUTTON Import AL_MAPPINGVALIDATIONTITLE Bestätigung der Zuordnungen und Übersetzungen AL_NOSEARCHRESULT Keine Daten gefunden. AL_HETOPFOOTER © Copyright 2010-2021 Universitätskrankenhaus Rouen (CHU)<br><a href="/hetop/documentation/tos_fr.html">Nutzungsbedingungen</a> - <a href="mailto:cismmt@chu-rouen.fr">Kontakt</a> AL_CLIPBOARDCLEAR Clear clipboard AL_BDBFRNOABSTRACT No available abstract AL_USEALSOQUERYBUILDER Sie können auch den Abfrage-Generator verwenden: AL_BIBSTATSHETOPTRANSCUI UMLS CUI translations AL_HETOPINTROTEACH Nutzen Sie die Inhalte aus Terminologien und Ontologien, um Ihre Kenntnisse zu vertiefen. AL_SIGNUPCONFIRMATION Die Registrierung wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Bitte melden Sie sich <a href="%s"> hier </a> an. AL_DESKTOPICONICON Icon path AL_AUTHORINFORMATION Author information AL_HELP Hilfe AL_HIERARCHIESTABTITLE Rangfolge AL_WARNING Warnung AL_SOURCESSTRING Quellen AL_MAPPING_DELETE_TITLE definitively delete this relation (use for duplicate relations) AL_ADVSEARCHMT Specialities AL_WINDOWMAXIMIZE Maximize AL_INDEXINGEXISTS This indexing already exists ! AL_PASSWORDWRONGLENGTH Das Kennwort muss mindestens 6 und maximal 12 Zeichen lang sein. AL_MENUDYNLISTLABEL List AL_BDBFRNOLINKTRYWITH With Google Scholar: AL_SIGNUPCOMMERCIALUSE Durch Aktivieren dieses Kontrollkästchens erkläre ich, einen oder mehrere der oben aufgeführten Dienste für kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. AL_YESNODIALOGYES Yes AL_HETOPINTROTITLE HeTOP (Health Terminology / Ontology Portal) umfasst die wichtigsten Terminologien oder Ontologien des Gesundheitswesens. Es enthält mehr als drei Millionen Konzepte, die in verschiedenen Sprachen verfügbar sind, darunter mehr als 100 Terminologien oder Ontologien. AL_AVAILABLELANGUAGES Verfügbare Sprachen AL_GRAPHEXPLORER CISMeF Graph Explorer AL_BIBSTATSHETOPOPPROP Relations repartition AL_BIBSTATSGENERALHELP Click on chart titles to display the entire data AL_RELATIONEXISTS Diese Relation besteht bereits! AL_CONSOLEWINDOWTITLE Console AL_TRANSMITTEDSTRING By transitivity AL_TRANSLATIONTABTITLE Translation AL_LANGUAGESTRING Sprache AL_HETOPINTRODOCTITLE Dokumente suchen AL_UNKNOWNRESOURCE Unbekannte Ressource AL_QUESTSPECIFY Other, please specify: AL_MENUUSERPREF My account AL_MAJORSTRING Major AL_MENUHIERARCHYMODULENEWALLOCCURRENCELABEL New child for the %d occurrences AL_BIBSTATSLOADINGMSG %d matches. Please wait while data is loading... AL_WINDOWCAPTIONHIERARCHYMODULEADDCHILD Add a child AL_CRDHISTORY_OLD_VALUE Old value AL_ACCOUNTNOTVALID Dieses Konto ist nicht vorhanden, aber Sie können sich anmelden. AL_ARCHIVE Archives AL_REPLACESTRING Ersetzen AL_SPELLINGOCCURED Suche ergibt keine Ergebnisse. Hier finden Sie die Ergebnisse für: AL_HETOP_CLICKEDITBUTTONTOWRITEANNOTATION Klicken Sie 'Bearbeiten', um ein neues Kommentar zu schreiben. AL_QUICKMAPPERTITLE QuickMapper AL_OPENQUERYBUILDER Query builder AL_LISSASPEPSLETTER <b>LiSSa, THE REFERENCE INDEXING PLATFORM FOR FRENCH-LANGUAGE HEALTH PROFESSION JOURNALS</b><br /> <br /> Since its creation in 2014 and its online launch in 2016, LiSSa's vocation is to offer an exhaustive database listing all French-language medical journals. In 2022, the Board of Directors of the Syndicat de la Presse et de l'Édition des Professions de Santé (SPEPS) wanted to give it a new impetus by integrating eligibility criteria to meet the quality requirements expected by the scientific community.<br /> This is a major step towards making LiSSa the indexing reference for French-language medical and health professions journals.<br /> The eligibility criteria available on LiSSa are based on those of the major international databases.<br /> In addition, LiSSa has set up an independent Scientific Committee responsible for validating that new entrants meet these criteria.<br /> An analysis of the database was carried out in order to eliminate publications that were too far from these criteria. Then, in order to preserve the heritage and to ensure continuity of service for the faithful users of LiSSa, the database was split. On the one hand, LiSSa archives for publications that have ceased to appear or meet a patrimonial objective, and on the other hand LiSSa, a database that gathers all existing and future publications that meet the quality and scientific integrity charter that we have put in place.<br /> SPEPS is delighted to support this initiative. Through this initiative, we also wish to value the authors who choose to publish in French, and to optimize the citation of their articles.<br /> Thanks to the support of all publishers, LiSSa is a free database, easily accessible by all authors from French-speaking countries who publish and consult content in French.<br /> We are convinced that this platform will meet your needs and that by your consultations, you will contribute to make it the first French-speaking reference database!<br /> <br /> Nathalie HUILLERET,<br /> SPEPS President. AL_MAPPING_VALID_TITLE is strictly equal (exact-match) to the proposed concept AL_INDEXINGMAJORMINORSTRING Major AL_SYSUSERRIGHTSCHOOSEDOMAIN Choose domain: AL_RDFR_LIST RDF_RESOURCE list AL_ENVSTRING Umwelt AL_CONCEPTSTRING Konzept AL_QUALIFIERSALPHALISTSTRING Zeige alphabetische Liste AL_CLICKTOTERMINOLOGYPAGE Klicken Sie, um auf die Terminologie Seite zuzugreifen AL_HETOPINTROFINDCONCEPTS Finden Sie Konzepte aus Ihren Begriffen in mehreren Sprachen! AL_QUESTDOESNOTEXIST This questionnaire does not exist ! AL_DATE Datum AL_CONNECTIONFAILED Falscher Benutzername oder falsches Passwort AL_HETOPTOOLS <a href="http://cispro.chu-rouen.fr/MT_EHTOP/" target="_blank">MT@HeTOP: mapping and translation tool based on the HeTOP terminologies/ontologies</a> AL_ADDPROPERTY Hinzufügen AL_DESTINATIONTERM Zugeordnete Begriffe AL_IMPORTWINDOWCAPTION Import AL_COPYANNOTATION Copied from AL_AFFILIATIONSOURCESTRING Quelle AL_LASTNAMESTRING Last name AL_CRDHISTORY_UKNKEY An error occured, unknown historyKey "%s" AL_XHTMLAPPCOPYRIGHT <a href="https://www.hetop.eu/hetop/documentation/tos_fr.html">CGU</a> - <a href="mailto:maitre-toile.cismef@chu-rouen.fr">Contact</a> - © 2024 Rouen University Hospital - CISMeF AL_EHTOPLINKDESCRIPTION Dieses Konzept ist auf dem Terminologieportal abrufbar AL_IMAGEBROWSERTITLE Select image AL_PREVBUTTON Zurück AL_MENUHIERARCHYMODULECOPYWITHCHILDRENLABEL Copy with children AL_CSTRUNIQUEVALERROR Unique constraint violation error for %s AL_ADMINSQLGENERATORDO Generate SQL orders... AL_RELATIONTYPE_INTER inter-terminologisch AL_TOOLSTABTITLE Tools AL_SYSTEMDATASTRING System data AL_PROMPTDIALOGOK OK AL_STATS_GLOBAL Global stats AL_EDITDESKTOPICON Edit... AL_SAMPLET_DESC_CISMEF_META_TERME Cardiology, nephrology, pediatrics ... AL_SIGNUPTOCONFIRM Lieber Nutzer,<br><br>Ihre Anmeldung ist fast abgeschlossen. Zur Bestätigung Ihres Kontos klicken Sie bitte auf folgenden Link :<br><br>BestätigungsLink: %s <br> AL_HETOPMAPPING_VALIDATEALL Validate all AL_TRASHTARGET Target AL_CRDHISTORY_REPLACE Update AL_INDEXINGBADCSTR Adding this indexing is not possible because object type(s) are not allowed AL_MEDICALSITES Medical Seiten und Dokumente AL_PROPOSECONTENT Suggest new content ! AL_MENUHIERARCHYMODULEPASTELABEL Paste as child AL_MAXRESULTSSTRING Sie haben die maximale Anzahl von Ergebnissen erreicht AL_HETOP_COMMENTSRELATEDRELATION Kommentare im Zusammenhang mit der Relation AL_REFRESHSTRING Aktualisieren AL_YESNODIALOGTITLE Question AL_RESULTSSTRING Ergebnisse AL_DCONCO_APPNAME CISMeF Oncology AL_EXTERNALBUTTON Detach this tab AL_NOLOGGEDUSER No other connected user AL_HETOPMAPPING_LASTCHECK Letzte Überprüfung: %s AL_MTEHTOPSUBTITLE Mapping using HeTOP (MT@HeTOP) AL_RESOURCESBESTFMEASURE Best f-measure (PubMed) AL_HOME Zuhause AL_COPYPROPERTY Copy selection AL_SELECTALLSTRING Alles markieren AL_SEE_ALERTS Your alerts AL_RESOURCESJUSTTEACHSTRING Nur Unterrichtsmaterialien AL_BDBFR_SELECTRESOLVER Select your location AL_MENUCHANGEPASSWORD Modify your password AL_RESOURCESJUSTJCRTOP25STRING JCR Top 25% (PubMed) AL_RELATIONSTABTITLE Relationen AL_DESTINATIONCODE Mapped code AL_EDITDESKTOPICONTITLE Edit icon AL_EHTOPBASIC_APPNAME HeTOP AL_PRESENTATION Präsentation AL_CRDHISTORY_DELETE Deletion AL_JOBSTRING Position AL_SAMPLEPUBLISHER HAS, ANSM ... AL_EMAILNOTVALID Die E-Mail-Adresse ist ungültig! AL_ADVSEARCHJO Journal AL_LISSADESCRIPTION Search engine dealing with %d medical french articles. AL_DELETESTRING Löschen AL_SIGNUPERRCOMMERCIAL Sie müssen angeben, ob Sie die Dienste gewerblich nutzen oder nicht AL_STATS_MAPPINGSNUMBER Number of mappings AL_OBSOCONCEPTSTRING obsolete concept AL_OTHERSSTRING Weiteres AL_INDEXINGALLMINOR Switch all into minor AL_DETAILS Details AL_MAPPING_UNVALID_TITLE no connection with the proposed concept AL_FACETSEEMORE Mehr anzeigen >> AL_FORMATSTRING Format AL_REFINE Verfeinern AL_MENUADMINSQLINSERTS Insert on the fly AL_HIERARCHYNOTREE Keine Baumstruktur für diesen Term AL_PWDCHANGENEW New password AL_SECURITYSTRING Security AL_CREATEDESKTOPICON Create shortcut... AL_CACHEOBJECTMANAGERFOUNDOBJECTS %d matching resources. Are you sure to remove them from the cache ? AL_MAPPINGVALIDATIONTYPE Bestätigung AL_MENUHIERARCHYMODULENEWLABEL New child AL_CLIPBOARDCOPY Copy AL_CHOOSESTRING Choose AL_CLOSESTRING Schließen AL_EDITIONMODIFIYMAJORMINOR Only modify "Major/Minor" AL_QUERYBUILDERQUERYOPTIONS Query options AL_ADVSEARCHTL Title, keyword and abstract AL_BIBSTATSMAINVIEW Main view AL_DOCUTABTITLE Dokumentation/Publikationen AL_LISSALOGOS <div> <div> <b>Realization :</b><br /> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.cismef.org/cismef/d2im/"><img src="/img/logos/logoD2IM.png" /></a> </div> <div> <b>Sponsorship :</b><br /> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.speps.pro/"><img src="/img/logos/logoSPEPS.png" /></a> </div> <div> <b>LiSSa creation (ANR BDBfr 2014-18 project)</b><br /> <a target="_blank" href="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/bdbfr/">http://www.chu-rouen.fr/bdbfr/</a> </div> </div> AL_ADVSEARCHTI Title only AL_HETOPINTROSUBSCRIBE Registrieren Sie sich, um auf weitere Inhalte zuzugreifen AL_PROPOSECONTENTALREADYEXISTS This value already exists ! AL_MENUMODNEWMOD Insert new TYPE_ID AL_EMAILREGISTRATIONTITLE Registration confirmation for the %s website AL_LICENCE_MODIFICATION_ALERT Die allgemeinen Nutzungsbedingungen von CISMeF Dienstleistungen haben sich geänderet. Sie müssen diese erst akzeptieren, um den Dienst weiter in Anspruch zu nehmen. AL_LEARNING Lernen AL_PROMPTDIALOGCANCEL Kündigen AL_ADVSEARCHTR Resource type AL_BIBSTATSFORMPH Type a query then click on 'OK' AL_HETOPINTROEXPLORE Erkunden Sie Konzepte in einer Terminologie oder zwischen Fachsprachen anhand ihrer Hierarchien und anderer semantischer Relationen. AL_XHTMLWARNINGPUBMED (<a target="_blank" href="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/bdbfr/">see more</a>) AL_WARNINGSTRING Warnung AL_HETOPNEWMETADATA Wählen Sie die Metadaten aus, die hinzugefügt werden sollen: AL_MENUHIERARCHYMODULEDELETEALLOCCURRENCELABEL Delete for the %d occurrences AL_MESSAGEHIERARCHYMODULEDELETEITEM Click OK to delete item AL_TYPEIDCHECKOK This TYPE_ID is valid AL_QUERYBUILDERINPUTHINT Type a word here AL_CLEARSTRING Löschen AL_HETOPINTRODOC Nutzen Sie unseren leistungsstarken Suchdienst (<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/" target="blank_">PubMed</a>, <a href="https://www.lissa.fr/" target="blank_">LiSSa</a>, <a href="http://lilacs.bvsalud.org/" target="blank_">Flieder</a>, <a href="https://doccismef.chu-rouen.fr/" target="blank_">Doc'CISMeF</a>, etc.), um hochwertige Ressourcen in Ihrer Nähe und Ihrer Sprache abzurufen! AL_REMOVEFROMCACHESTRING Remove from cache AL_ICPC_INTRO Welcome to the ICPC-2 HeTOP page AL_QUERYBUILDERWINDOWTITLE Query builder AL_DONTMODIFYSTRING Bitte nicht ändern AL_YESNODIALOGNO No AL_SIGNINSTRING registrieren AL_RELATIONSNORELATIONS Keine Beziehungen zu diesem Term AL_ICPC_TITLE ICPC-2 HeTOP Seite AL_TOPRESULTS Wichtigste Begriffe AL_EDITIONMODESTRING Bearbeitungsmodus AL_QUERYBUILDERADDTOQUERY 2. Add it to the query AL_BIBSTATS_OCCURENCES Occurrences AL_EHTOPTERINDEXNOTICEREG Ihr Konto ermöglicht Ihnen den Zugriff auf die unten aufgeführten Ressourcen AL_CRDHISTORY_TYPE_HEADER Operation type AL_USERSELECTIONRENAME Benennen Kategorie ... AL_PLACEHOLDERFREE Free text AL_3CGP_INTRO2 <li>To search ICPC-2 (22 languages) type an ICPC-2 code like <a href ="https://www.hetop.eu/hetop/3CGP#rr=CIP_D_A87" target="_blank">A87</a> or a health term like <a href="https://www.hetop.eu/hetop/3CGP#rr=CIP_D_R81" target="_blank">pneumonia</a> or an acronym like <a href="https://www.hetop.eu/hetop/3CGP#rr=CIP_D_R74"target="_blank">URTI</a>.</li><li>To search ICPC-2 process codes, look between <a href="https://www.hetop.eu/hetop/3CGP/en/?q=#rr=CIP_P_30" target="_blank">-30</a> and <a href="https://www.hetop.eu/hetop/3CGP/en/?q=#rr=CIP_P_69" target="_blank">-69</a>, don’t forget the dash (-)</li> <li>To search into Q-Codes, type a term, an acronym or a Q-Code into the search box: i.e. <a href="/hetop/Q/#q=QD" target="_blank">QD</a>, <a href="/hetop/Q/#q=sdm" target="_blank">sdm</a>, <a href="/hetop/Q/#q=QP51" target="_blank">QP51</a>, <a href="/hetop/Q/#q=continuity of care">continuity of care</a></li> AL_3CGP_INTRO3 <li>More information on Q-Codes <a href="https://tinyurl.com/Q-Codes-bibliography" target="_blank">https://tinyurl.com/Q-Codes-bibliography</a> and ICPC: <a href="http://www.ph3c.org" target="_blank">www.ph3c.org</a>.</li> <li>More information about the potentialities of the HeTOP server and the numerous terminologies and mappings available; see here <a href="http://3cgp.docpatient.net/tutorials/" target="_blank"> Exploring HeTOP and ICPC-2 on HeTOP</a>.</li> </ul> <p><b>Warning:</b><br>ICPC is a Wonca product, free use for research, for any commercial use, refer to <a href="mailto:ceo@wonca.net">ceo@wonca.net</a><br>Q-Codes is distributed in Creative Common share alike non-commercial use. For any commercial use refer to <a href="mailto:marc.jamoulle@gmail.com">marc.jamoulle@gmail.com</a></p> AL_CRDHISTORY_NOENTRIES An error occured, no history entries found AL_SEELINKS Siehe Links AL_EHTOPBASIC_PARTNERS <a href="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/" id="logo" target="_blank"><img src="/img/logos/logoCHUCISMeF.gif" alt="CHU Rouen" title="CHU Rouen" height="70"/></a> <a href="http://www.litislab.eu/" id="logo" target="_blank"><img src="/img/logos/logoLitis.jpg" alt="LITIS" title="Laboratoire d'Informatique, du Traitement de l'Information et des Systèmes" height="70"/></a> <a href="http://www.hautenormandie.fr/" id="logo" target="_blank"> <img src="/img/logos/logo_hn.jpg" alt="Région Haute-Normandie" title="Région Haute-Normandie" height="60"/></a> <a href="http://www.vidal.fr/" id="logo" target="_blank"><img src="/img/logos/logo_vidal.png" alt="Vidal" title="Vidal" height="70"/> </a> <a href="http://www.mondeca.com/" id="logo" target="_blank"> <img src="/img/logos/logoMondeca.jpg" alt="Mondeca" title="Mondeca" height="70"/> </a> <a href="http://www.asipsante.fr/" id="logo" target="_blank"> <img src="/img/logos/logo-asip.png" alt="ASIP Santé" title="ASIP Santé" height="70"/> </a> <a href="http://cerim.univ-lille2.fr/" id="logo" target="_blank"> <img src="/img/logos/logo_site_cerim.gif" alt="CERIM" title="CERIM" height="70"/> </a><a href="http://www.aphp.fr/" id="logo" target="_blank"> <img src="/img/logos/logo_aphp.gif" alt="AP-HP" title="Assistance Publique et Hôpitaux de Paris" width="200"/> </a> <a href="http://www.interstis.org/" id="logo" target="_blank"><img src="/img/logos/logo-interstis.jpg" alt="InterSTIS" title="InterSTIS" height="70"/> </a><a href="http://projet4-limbio.smbh.univ-paris13.fr/" id="logo" target="_blank"> <img src="/img/logos/logo-L3IM.png" alt="L3IM" title="L3IM" height="70"/></a><a href="http://www-tecsan.cea.fr/" id="logo" target="_blank"><img src="/img/logos/logo-tecsan.jpg" alt="TecSan" title="TecSan" height="70"/></a> <a href="http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/" id="logo" target="_blank"><img src="/img/logos/logo_anr.jpg" alt="Agence Nationale de la Recherche" title="Agence Nationale de la Recherche" height="70"/></a><a href="https://www.umit.at/" id="logo" target="_blank"><img src="/img/logos/umit_2014.png" alt="Private Universität für Gesundheitswissenschaften, Medizinische Informatik und Technik GmbH" title="Private Universität für Gesundheitswissenschaften, Medizinische Informatik und Technik GmbH" height="70"/></a><br><br> Thanks to Marius Marginean for the Roumanian translation of ICPC-2.<br> Thanks to Mårten Kvist for the Finnish translation of ICPC-2.<br> Thanks to Shinsuke Fujita for the Japanese translation of ICPC-2.<br> Thanks to Zekeriya Akturk for the Turkish translation of ICPC-2.<br> Thanks to Thanh Liem Vo for the Vietnamian translation of ICPC-2.<br>Thanks to Ines Zelić Baričević for the Croatian translation of ICPC-2.<br> Thanks to Gustavo Gusso for the Portuguese translation of ICPC-2.<br> Thanks to Gojimir Zorz for the Slovenian translation of ICPC-2.<br> Thanks to Dimitris Kounalakis for the Greek translation of ICPC-2.<br>Thanks to ​Vadym Vus for the Ukrainian translation of ICPC-2.<br> Thanks to Marc Jamoulle for the French translation of ICPC-2 and more generally for his implication in its integration into HeTOP.<br> Thanks to Michal Darmoni for the translation in Hebrew of the interface.<br> Thanks to Tayeb Merabti and Adila Merabti for the translation in Arabic of the interface.<br> Thanks to Marie Thirion for the translation in Italian of the interface.<br> Thanks to UMIT for the translation in German of the interface.<br> Thanks to Pinar Fakirullahoglu and Zekeriya Akturk for the translation in Turkish of the interface: Atatürk University Medical Faculty, Department of Family Medicine. 25240 Erzurum (zekeriya@atauni.edu.tr).<br> AL_HETOPINTROTRANSLATETITLE übersetzen AL_QUERIESHISTORY Ihre Fragen AL_REPLACEBYSTRING Ersetzen durch AL_SYSUSERRIGHTSREAD Read AL_PARTNERS Partner AL_SANURNDESCRIPTION Search engine referencing digital health training resources in French of the SaNuRN project. Initiated by the University of Rouen and the University of Côte d'Azur, this project aims to offer Digital Health training in Seine-Maritime, Eure and Alpes-Maritimes for health professions: medicine, pharmacy, odontology, maieutics, massage therapy, nursing, speech therapy, and medical and social careers.<br /> This search engine uses <a href='https://www.hetop.eu/hetop/rep/fr/EFMIMIMO/'>MIMO</a>, an ontology focused on digital health, developed within the framework of the <a href='https://www.hosmartai.eu/'>HosmartAI</a> project. AL_EMAILPASSWORDRESETTITLE New password for the %s website AL_EXPORTTOCITATIONS Citations AL_OPTIONLANGMAINDATA Hauptdaten Sprache AL_HIERARCHYTREESIMPLEMODE Einfache Struktur AL_WINDOWMINIMIZE Minimize AL_BIBSTATSPLUGGEDTO BibStats: online web data analysis tool. This version is plugged to %s. AL_T_DESC_CISMEF_META_TERME Medical Speciality AL_CISMEFSERVICES CISMeF services AL_IRCALLFAILED InfoRoute call failed AL_DCPHADESCRIPTION French drugs information search engine AL_CONFIRMNEWREVISIONSAMEDATE A revision has already been committed today, do you confirm creating a new one? AL_BLOG CISMEF Blog AL_RESOURCEALREADYOPENEDWARNING This resource is already currently edited by %s, the read-only mode is on. If this is during too long, please contact an administrator AL_ADDTOSELECTION Add to your selection AL_GRID_CAPTION Map %s: %d item(s) found AL_HMTPQUERYCLEAR Löschen AL_EXPANDFIELDSTRING Expand text field AL_LOGOUTSTRING Abmelden AL_VISITED %d Mal Besucht AL_INSTITUTIONSTRING Institution AL_SEEINDEXING Siehe Indexierung AL_TYPEIDSELECTORDEFAUTTOPLABEL Object types selection AL_ADVSEARCHNUM Number AL_OPTIONEDITION Bearbeitung AL_TRANSLATETITLE Übersetzungen AL_RDFRESCOUNTINFO Ressource wurde %d Mal aufgerufen AL_PWDCHANGETOOSHORT Password must be at least %d long AL_LETTER letter AL_DCPHA_APPNAME CISMeF drugs AL_MTVONLYTERMSTOTRANSLATE Only non translated target terms AL_REMAINING_CHAR Verbleibende/übrige Zeichen: AL_QUERYBUILDERADDRESOURCE Add AL_QCODE_TITLE Q-Codes HeTOP page AL_PROCESSMAPPINGOK Map ! AL_FACETSEELESS Weniger anzeigen << AL_HETOPMAPPING_NEWDONE %d neue Zuordnungen generiert AL_SUBSTANCESSTRING Substanzen: AL_QUERYBUILDERHELP2 The <b>description</b> tab allows to visualize the definitions and the synonyms of the selected term.<br> The<b>hierarchies</b> tab allows to navigate through the terminology and to select broader or narrower terms.<br> The <b>relations</b> tab allows to visualize and select related terms. AL_SELECT Wählen AL_QUERYBUILDERHELP3 <b>"only the main ones"</b> The selected term will be one of the major terms of the matching articles.<br> <b>"without explosion"</b> The specific terms, allowable in the hierarchy, will not be included in the query.<br> <b>The qualifiers</b> allows to add a precision on a term. For example, man can be interested in getting articles related to the diagnosis or to the therapeutics of a particular disease. AL_CONNECTIONPASSWORDCONF Passwortbestätigung AL_QCODE_INTRO <h4>Welcome to the Q-Codes repository at Rouen University Hospital</h4> <ul><li>Q-Codes are intended for indexing Family medicine related documentation jointly with the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC). Both form the Core Content Classification in General Practice/ Family Medicine (3CGP)</li> <li>To search into Q-Codes, type a term, an acronym or a Q-Code into the search box: i.e. <a href="/hetop/Q/#q=QD">QD</a>, <a href="/hetop/Q/#q=sdm">sdm</a>, <a href="/hetop/Q/#q=QP51">QP51</a>, <a href="/hetop/Q/#q=continuity of care">continuity of care</a></li> <li>More information on Q-Codes <a href="https://tinyurl.com/Q-Codes-bibliography" target="_blank">https://tinyurl.com/Q-Codes-bibliography</a> and ICPC: <a href="http://www.ph3c.org" target="_blank">www.ph3c.org</a>. </li> </ul><p><b>Warning:</b><br>ICPC is a Wonca product, free use for research, for any commercial use, refer to <a href="mailto:ceo@wonca.net">ceo@wonca.net</a><br>Q-Codes is distributed in Creative Common share alike non-commercial use. For any commercial use refer to <a href="mailto:marc.jamoulle@gmail.com">marc.jamoulle@gmail.com</a></p> AL_DCBASICDESCRIPTION French medical search engine (%d resources). AL_THESAURUSMENUNOTRUNCOPTION Suche ohne Platzhalter AL_QUERYBUILDERHELP1 It is possible to search for a disease, a treatment, a drug, an anatomy part, etc.<br> The terms are provided by the <b>MeSH</b> (<i>Medical Subject Headings</i>) thesaurus and by additional content produced by the <a target="_blank" href="http://www.cismef.org/">CISMeF</a> team. See more details at <a target="_blank" href="https://www.hetop.eu">www.hetop.eu</a>. AL_QUERYBUILDERHELP4 <b>AND, OR, NOT</b> are called boolean codes. They allow the combination of selected terms.<br> AND (intersection)<br> <img src="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/images/and.gif"><br> OR (union)<br> <img src="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/images/or.gif"><br> NOT(exclusion)<br> <img src="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/images/andnot.gif"><br> AL_DBGUIFILEDEFAULTVIEW Default AL_QUERYBUILDERHELP5 The searchable databases are:<br> - <a target="_blank" href="http://www.pubmed.gov">PubMed</a>: more than 24 millions reference articles in medicine ;<br> - <a target="_blank" href="http://www.cismef.org">CISMeF</a>: more than 100,000 resources about Health in French in free access selected on the web.<br> The generated query includes all available labels to leverage the initial query in order to bring the best results including the most recent resources. AL_ORIGINALTERM Query AL_QUERYBUILDERSEARCHTITLE 1. Search term AL_ALLRESULTS Alle Ergebnisse AL_QUERYBUILDERQUALIFIERSTITLE qualifiers AL_OPERATOROR OR AL_ITEMSNUMBER %d Elemente AL_ADVSEARCHPG Pages AL_UNKNOWNERRORHAPPEND Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten AL_EHTOPTERINDEX Liste der verfügbaren terminologischen/ontologischen Ressourcen AL_GETEMPTYTEMPLATEBUTTON Get an empty template AL_PWDCHANGEOLDDONTMATCH The current password does not match ! AL_ADVSEARCHPT Publication type AL_LANGUAGE Sprache AL_QUESTFINISHED This questionnaire is now over. Thank you for your contribution. AL_NBMETADATAPERPAGEBUTTON Elemente pro Seite AL_ENTRYSTRING Entry AL_TRASHDATE Date AL_SYSTEMRESTARTALERTSEC The system will restart in %s seconds. AL_INDEX_DM Mesh Index for equipment and supplies : AL_VIEWEXECUTIONPLAN View query details AL_USERSELECTIONNEW New Kategorie ... AL_QUALIFIER Kennzeichnung AL_EXECUTIONPLAN Ausführungsplan AL_MAPPING_BTNT_TITLE is broader than the proposed concept AL_SYSTEMRESTARTMENU System reboot request AL_NEWREVISIONACTION Neue Überarbeitung AL_FILTERSTRING Filtern AL_ADVICEBOOLEANCODE You might also use the <a href="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/cismef/aide/liste-des-abreviations-des-champs-utilises-dans-doccismef-et-lissa/">boolean codes</a>. AL_PRESENTATIONTABTITLE Präsentation AL_QUERYBUILDERADDRESOURCEOP Options AL_ERRORSTRING Error AL_QUESTBEGIN Begin '%s' AL_TRACCESS Ressourcentyp-Index AL_SYSTEMINSERTSTRING Insertion date AL_TRASHSOURCE Source AL_PUBLICATIONSOTHERSTITLE Weitere Publikationen AL_QUERYBUILDEROPTIONSTITLE Resources access options AL_SEEAUTOINDEXING siehe automatischen Indexierung AL_ADVANCED_SEARCH Advanced Search AL_STATS_CONCEPTSNUMBER Anzahl der Konzepte AL_RESOURCESMAINRESOURCESSTRING Nur die Wichtigsten AL_AMBIGUOUSTERM Mehrdeutige Begriffe AL_ADVSEARCHQU Qualifier AL_INDEXINGBADCATEGORY This indexing category is not allowed ! AL_IN in AL_UNGROUPACTIONSTRING Ungroup AL_RESOURCESNOEXPLOSIONSTRING Ohne Explosion AL_HETOP_CLICKTOREADANNOTATION Klicken Sie, um ein Kommentar zu lesen. AL_NOVALUESSTRING Keine Werte AL_MODIFYSTRING ändern AL_AUTODETECTIONBUTTON Auto detection AL_RESOURCESBESTPRECISION Best precision (PubMed) AL_MAPPING_UNKNOWN_TITLE unknown relation AL_ADVSEARCHRE Abstract only AL_FORMCHECKFIELDS Das Formular ist nicht vollständig oder ungültig, bitte überprüfen Sie die Felder! AL_CIMSEFTREETABLEDELETEINDEXING Delete indexing AL_MAPPING_ALREADYREVIEWED Bereits überprüft AL_LASTUPD Datum der letzten Aktualisierung AL_AUTOINDEXINGANNOTATION AI aktivieren AL_TERMINOLOGYSTRING Terminologie AL_ERRTECH Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten, bitte <a href="mailto:cismeftech@chu-rouen.fr">kontaktieren Sie unseren technischen Support</a> AL_INDEXINGMODIFY Edit this indexing... AL_QUESTALREADYOPENED A questionnaire is currently being filled, are you sure to leave ? AL_SEESTRING Anzeigen AL_CONFIRMEMPTYCACHE Are you sure to remove all elements from the cache? (This can take a lot of time) AL_LOADINGSTRING Laden AL_MENUOBJ Objects AL_RESOURCESTABTITLE PubMed / Doc'CISMeF AL_EHTOPBASIC_PRESENTATION Das Portal Terminology/Ontology Portal (HeTOP) wird vom Team CISMeF <a href=""http://www.chu-rouen.fr/"" target=""_blank"">CHU von Rouen</a> (LITIS EA 4108, Universität Rouen), in Zusammenarbeit mit der<a href=""http://www.insa-rouen.fr/"" target=""_blank"">INSA Rouen</a> und der Firma <a href=""http://www.mondeca.com/"" target=""_blank"">MONDECA</a>angeboten.<br>Die Abkürzung ist HeTOP (für die <b>er</b>nahme <b>T</b>Erminology / <b>O</b>Ntology <b>P</b>ortal).<br><br>Die PTS umfasst die wichtigsten Gesundheitsterminologien auf Französisch. Es zielt darauf ab, zentralisierten Zugang zu diesen zu ermöglichen.<br><br>Indem Sie sich registrieren, können Sie auf die folgenden Terminologien zugreifen: ACR, ADICAP, ATC, BHN, BNCI, BNPC, Bon Usage Radio., CCAM, CIF, ICD-9, ICD-10, ICD-O, CISMeF, ICPC-2, Cladimed, DRC, FMA, Gene Ontology, Gene & Protein, HPO, ICNP, IUPAC, LOINC, LPP, MedlinePlus, MeSH, MIDAS, NABM, NCCMERP, NCIT, OMIM, Orphanet, PASCAL (Gesundheit), PATHOS, PSIP Taxonomie, RADLEX, SNOMED int., UMLS (semantic network), VCM, WHO-ART and WHO-ICPS.<br/>Ein automatisch generiertes Passwort wird Ihnen per E-Mail zugesendet, nachdem der Bestätigung ihrer Daten.<br/><br/>Die Nutzung ist kostenlos AUSSER für private Unternehmen, in diesem Falle.<a href=""mailto:maitre-toile.cismef@chu-rouen.fr"">kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Details</a>. AL_LOGOUT Ausloggen AL_SIGNUPCONFIRMTITLE CISMeF Services Anmeldebestätigung AL_CONFIRMMASSEDITION Are you sure to update all these %d resources? AL_MENUHIERARCHYMODULEDELETEWITHCHILDRENLABEL Delete with children AL_QUALIFIERSTRING Kennzeichner AL_ACTUALITY Aktuelles AL_SYSTEMANNOTATION System AL_MENUMODLISTTITLE Consult TYPE_IDs AL_SANURNAPPNAME SaNuRN : Digital Health in Rouen and Nice AL_NBAUTHORS Authors number AL_VALIDATIONPAGE %d (%d Elemente) AL_TRANSLATION Übersetzung AL_QUESTFINISH Finished AL_DCBASICSLIDESHOW <li>You can use * symbol to truncate words, including MeSH keywords.</li> <li>You might also use the <a href="http://www.cismef.org/cismef/aide/liste-des-abreviations-des-champs-utilises-dans-doccismef-et-lissa/">boolean codes</a>.</li> <li>Simple search deals with title and keywords.</li> <li>You can enter a few letters to see frequently used propositions.</li> <li>In advanced search, add terms on a same line to increase recall (more results).</li> <li>Click on PubMed button, to find english references.</li><li>Create an e-mail alert: <a href="https://youtu.be/UWuAggw7V_g">Video</a></li> AL_CONFIRMDATAFIELDCONCEPTDELETION Are you sure to delete "%s" data for this concept? AL_RDFRESOURCE Kennung AL_ANNOTATESTRING Kommentieren AL_ADVSEARCHAN Years AL_HETOPINTROTEACHTITLE Lernen und Lehren AL_ADVSEARCHAU Author AL_INFOSTRING Informationen AL_THESAURUSMENUSELECTALL Alles AL_QUERYBUILDERSEERESULTS 3. View results AL_PROPOSECONTENTDISCLAIMER It is possible for you to propose your own content to this portal ! To do so, please select the content type, its language and enter your value. Your suggestion will be reviewed by one of our experts. Thank you for your contribution ! AL_3CGP_TITLE 3CGP HeTOP page AL_COMMENTANNOTATION Kommentar AL_STATS_TERMSNUMBER Number of terms AL_NOTREADRIGHTERROR Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung, diesen Objekttyp zu sehen. AL_BDBFR_RESOLVERTITLE Distant access to electronic resources: AL_LISSASPEPSDESCRIPTION Search engine dealing with 240 journals, i.e. 531923 medical french articles. AL_RESOURCESJUSTPATIENTSSTRING Nur Patientendokumente AL_SEARCHSTRING Search AL_HOMEPAGE Startseite AL_HETOPMAPPING_NEW Neue Zuordnung AL_SEARCHRESULTNUMBER %d Ressource(n) gefunden AL_ADVSEARCHAF Affiliation AL_DISPLAYNEXTRELATIONS Zeige nächste Beziehung... AL_EVALUATIONSTRING Evaluation AL_QUERY Abfrage AL_OPTIONMOSAICMODE Mosaic mode AL_SIMPLE_SEARCH Einfache Suche AL_QUERYEXAMPLESTRING examples: AL_MENUSPECIFICSTATS Specific Statistics AL_DBGUIFILEVIEWS Views AL_OTHERTOOLS Andere Werkzeuge AL_SOURCEANNOTATION Quelle AL_PASSWORDSDONTMATCH Passwörter stimmen nicht überein AL_MAILSTRING_WARNING (Wir beantworten keine persönlichen Gesundheitsfragen). AL_MENUHIERARCHYMODULEDELETELABEL Delete AL_SEARCHENGINE Suchmaschine AL_BIBSTATSHETOPMAPPINGPROP Mappings details AL_SQLSEARCHWINDOW SQL explorer AL_ICONSAVEANDCLOSE Anwenden und Schließen AL_LOGIN Einloggen AL_MENUOBJSTATS Statistics AL_EMAILPASSWORDRESET Dear user, A new password for the %s application has been generated. Your login is: %s Your password is: %s (watch for the case). You can now connect to the website from this page: %s We thank you for your interest in our work. Regards,\n\nThe CISMeF team. NB: This is an automatic email, please do not reply. AL_VERSIONANNOTATION Version AL_TRANSLATIONMODULETITLE Übersetzungsmodul AL_SYSTEMRESTARTALERTMIN The system will restart in %s minutes. AL_ABOUTSTRING Über AL_FILE_SIZE Size (ko) AL_CONNECTIONLOGIN Benutzername AL_3CGP_INTRO <h4>Welcome to the Q-Codes & ICPC-2 repository at Rouen University Hospital</h4> <ul> <li>HeTOP is a multiterminological and interlingual server of the Department of Information and Informatics (<a href ="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/cismef/d2im/" target="_blank">D2IM</a>) of the Rouen University Hospital</li> <li>Core Content Classification of General Practice/Family Medicine (3CGP) is a mix of the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC-2) and Q-Codes, a new contextual classification in General Practice / Family Medicine (GP/FM) and Primary Health Care (PHC)</li> <li>ICPC-2, belonging to WONCA, is intended to retrieve frequent health problems encountered in Family Medicine and PHC</li> <li>Q-Codes are intended for indexing Family medicine related documentation jointly with the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC). Both form the Core Content Classification in General Practice/ Family Medicine (3CGP)</li> AL_MAXIMUMRESULTSNUMBERREACHED Maximale Anzahl an Ressourcen erreicht AL_OBJECTTYPEIDS Objects TYPE_IDs AL_FILE_EXPLORER File explorer AL_NEWSTRING Neu AL_OPTIONSAVE Speichern AL_CLIPBOARDDELETE Delete AL_GENERATESQL Generate SQL orders... AL_OPTIONLANGGUI Sprache der Benutzeroberfläche AL_BIBSTATSGENREPORTS Generating reports... AL_RELEVANCE Relevanz AL_QUERYBUILDERTERMOPTIONS Term options AL_INDEX Keywords AL_QUITWINDOWWITHOUTSAVING Möchten Sie dieses Fenster wirklich schließen, ohne es zu speichern? AL_MENUOPTIONS Options AL_SIGNUPERRALREADYDONE Diese Registrierung ist uns unbekannt oder wurde bereits bestätigt! AL_RDFRESOURCEEDITSTRING Ressource bearbeiten AL_SEARCHRESULTNUMBERAFTERFACETFILTER %d verbleibenden Ressource(n) von AL_SAMESEARCHWITH Gleiche Suche mit AL_BDBFRJOURNALINDEX Journals AL_EHTOPSANOFIMG_PRESENTATION The following structured market access glossary is thought as a tool to have a common set of definitions for the main concepts of market access and to share a common vision on market access. The term structured glossary underlines that apart from being a pure glossary with technical term definitions it contains a specific thesaurus-like structure which enables a structured discussion on the market access context. The presented global vision of market access – that has been elaborated with renown market access experts – is based on four key concepts (Company Intervention, Healthcare Determinants, Healthcare Structure and Global Outcomes) that are influencing each other as a never-ending spiral of interacting concepts. These concepts describe the current transition from a market access environment in which the prescriber has been the main decision maker to a more formalized decision making process with multiple stakeholders. In such an environment the analysis of the general background strongly influences the success of market access.<br/> <center><img src="/img/logos/sanofimg_structure_reduit.png"/></center> AL_VALIDERROREXISTS Validierung des Benutzerkontos fehlgeschlagen! Ein Benutzerkonto mit dieser E-Mail Adresse existiert bereits. <a href="oubli.html?lang=en AL_BIBSTATSMAXNUMBERWARNING Maximal resources number reached, please <a href="mailto:cismeftech@chu-rouen.fr">contact us</a> to perform this study with appropriate means. AL_QUERYBUILDER_APPNAME MeSH Query Builder AL_LISSASPEPSCRITERIA <b>Entry criteria for publications:</b><br /> <ul> <li>The topics covered by the journal are related to the fields of health.</li> <li>The journal publishes content at a regular frequency and for a minimum of 2 years.</li> <li>The journal has an ISSN and each article has a DOI.</li> <li>The journal has a Reading Committee and practices peer review.</li> <li>The instructions to authors are available on the publisher's website and adhere to the principles of the scientific rules of ethics in force.</li> <li>The objectives and scope of the journal are available on the publisher's website.</li> <li>Authors' interests are systematically declared.</li> <li>The articles published in the journal present abstracts, keywords and references according to the international standards in force.</li> <li>The Editorial Board of the journal is composed of experts in their field and their affiliation is clearly stated.</li> </ul> AL_DPSTRING Dateizuweisung AL_STATSWITHGROUPS Aggregated data AL_SYSTEMRESTARTALERTNOW The system is about to restart NOW! AL_SEE See AL_SEEABSTRACT See abstract AL_AMBIGUOUSANNOTATION Mehrdeutig AL_NBRESPERPAGE Antworten AL_CONCEPTTYPES Konzeptarten AL_MAPPING_NTBT_TITLE is narrower than the proposed concept AL_UNKNOWNCOLLECTION Unknown collection AL_CITY City AL_OBJECT object(s) AL_CHATWINDOWTITLE Instant messaging AL_TERMINOLOGYSORT Nach Terminologien AL_CLIPBOARDNEW New %s similar to AL_SYSTEMUPDATESTRING Last update AL_SELECTACTION Wählen AL_HETOPMAPPING_CONFIRMALLMAPPINGSVALIDATION Do you want to validate all new mappings (%d)? AL_TRANSMITTEDTOEXPLSTRING Inherited AL_ADDMETADATA Metadaten hinzufügen AL_EHTOPDBOHISTORY Verlauf AL_CONSOLECLEAR Clear logs AL_ADDSTRING Hinzufügen AL_STATS_DEFINITIONSNUMBER Number of definitions AL_SUPERVISIONBUTTON Supervise and Apply AL_CITE Cite this article AL_ADDDESKTOPICONBIS Shortcut AL_CREATECONCEPT Create a concept AL_INDSTRING Indexing AL_GENERATESQLSCHEMA Generate SQL orders (whole schema)... AL_MESSAGEHIERARCHYMODULECHILDTOADD Child to add : AL_PLUGINMLETITLE Terminology MLE AL_LISSASPEPSABOUT <b><i>About SPEPS</i></b> - The Syndicat de la Presse et de l'Édition des Professions de Santé groups together 451 print and online publications, which meet the information and training needs of all healthcare professions: general practitioners and specialists, dental surgeons, pharmacists, veterinarians, midwives, nurses and nursing assistants, physiotherapists, paramedics, healthcare executives, etc., as well as numerous healthcare companies and regulatory authorities.<br /> Publishing companies represent an important economic sector, with a value of approximately 100 million euros, employing nearly 2,000 people and calling upon thousands of scientific authors. SPEPS publications represent an annual circulation of about 30 million copies of newspapers or magazines.<br /> SPEPS members are committed to a quality approach. This is based in particular on optimal management of links of interest and strict application of good practices in terms of ethics and advertising. <a href="http://www.speps.pro">http://www.speps.pro</a> AL_REMOVEPROPERTY Auswahl löschen AL_DBGUICLOSEALLWINDOWS Close all AL_CACHEOBJECTMANAGERTITLE Empty objects cache AL_FILTERTRANSLATEDCONCEPTS übersetzte Begriffe filtern AL_SIGNUPMESSAGE <img src="https://www.hetop.fr/img/logos/logoHeTOP2_small.png" style="margin-right:18%"><img src="https://www.lissa.fr/img/logos/lissa_120.png" style="margin-right:18%"> <img src="https://doccismef.chu-rouen.fr/img/logos/dc_logo_small.png"><div class="row">Hier ist das Anmeldeformular für folgenden Dienstleistungen: CISMeF: HeTOP, LiSSa und Doc'CISMeF (sowie deren zugehörigen Tools). Indem Sie sich registrieren, erhalten Sie weitere Inhalte (Terminologien/Ontologien für HeTOP) und Features (benutzerdefinierte für Doc Warnungen CISMeF und LiSSa, etc..).<br>Diese Registrierung ist kostenlos im Rahmen einer wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit (öffentlich) oder Forschung. Wenn Sie oder Ihre Organisation wahrscheinlich eines ihrer Werkzeuge für kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen, müssen Sie das Kontrollkästchen für diesen Zweck vorgesehenen rechtfertigen Ihr Framework; Wir kontaktieren Sie um einen Handelsvertrag zu vereinbaren.</div> AL_CEPHOMELABEL The CISMeF Evaluation Platform proposes questionnaires and tools to evaluate applications or content. If you want to participate to an evaluation campaign, please contact our <a href='mailto:maitre-toile.cismef@chu-rouen.fr'>webmaster</a>. AL_INDEX_ONCO Mesh Index for oncology : AL_SQLSEARCHISTORY Query history AL_SQLSEARCHALLROWS All lines extracted: %d in %d ms AL_CONFIRMCONCEPTDELETION Are you sure to delete this concept and all its associated data? AL_SEARCHAUTOMAPPINGS Search auto mappings AL_MENUADMINEMPTYCACHEMOD Empty MODEL cache AL_DELETECONCEPT Delete concept AL_RETURN Return AL_DBOSTRING Record AL_EXPORTRESULTSBUTTON Send to AL_QUALIFIERSHIERARCHICALLISTSTRING Zeige hierarchische Liste AL_ADVSEARCHED Publisher AL_THEMINDEX Thematischer Index AL_BDBFRAUTHORDETAILS Author details AL_MENUHIERARCHYMODULEPASTEALLOCCURRENCELABEL Paste as child for the %d occurrences AL_ERRORQUERY Error : query can't be parsed. AL_ABOUT Über AL_DCUMVFDESCRIPTION French health educational information search engine. AL_CIMSEFTREETABLEADDRELATION Add a relation... AL_BIBSTATSLOADINGFAILED Query failed. Please contact the webmaster if the problem is still occurring. AL_BDBFRMENTION2 Founding: AL_DISABLE Deaktivieren AL_GROUPNUMBERSTRING Gruppe %d AL_DBOCOMPARATORWINDOW Resource comparator AL_AFFILIATESTRING Affiliate... AL_CEPFOOTER CISMeF Evaluation Platform - © CISMeF, CHU de Rouen, March 2013 - September 2014 AL_DCBDBFR_APPNAME LiSSa: French Bibliographic Database AL_DCBPDESCRIPTION French health quidelines search engine. AL_BIBSTATSHETOPDPPROP Total attributes number AL_RESOURCESJUSTRECOSTRING Nur Richtlinien AL_QUERYBUILDERRESULTS %d results AL_FIRSTNAMESTRING First name AL_BDBFRJOURNALINDEXCAPTION This index contains all journals currently in publication or that have at least 100 articles (97% of total content) AL_MESSAGEHIERARCHYMODULEDELETEITEMALLOCCURRENCE Click OK to delete all occurrences of the element AL_HETOPMAPPING_DOTRANSCLOSURE Führen Sie die transitive Hülle durch AL_CURATIONTABTITLE Curation AL_ESCAPEENVISON Die Forschung wurde erweitert, um alle CISMeF: %d Einträge AL_CONFIRMTRANSFORMATION Are you sure to cast ? AL_EXPORTXLS Excel table AL_PWDCHANGEDONTMATCH New passwords don't match ! AL_TYPETERM Mapped term type AL_ADDTOTHEENDACTION Concatenate with AL_RESOURCESRESEARCHSTRING Abfragen: AL_SASMAGTITLE Sanofi-Aventis Structured Market Access Glossary AL_TRASHCLEAR Clear recycle bin AL_PWDLOSTSUCCESS A new password has been sent to this email address. AL_INDEX_GER Mesh Index for Geriatry AL_SEEALLSTRING Show hidden metadata AL_CHATCONNECTIONBROKEN The user has logged off AL_HETOPINTROEXPLORETITLE Durchsuchen AL_ERRORINVALIDDPS Properties are missing or not valid AL_PWDLOSTNOTICE It is not possible to recover your current password because it is crypted. Nevertheless, a new password will be generated and send. Please enter your email address below (which is your login for this web site). AL_DESCRIPTIONTABTITLE Beschreibung AL_QUERYBUILDERDATABASE Database: AL_LOCALIZEJOURNAL In libraries: AL_ALPHAINDEX Alphabetischen Index AL_LISSAARCHAPPNAME LiSSa (Archives) AL_TRASHTYPE Description AL_NEWS Nachrichten AL_MENUDYNNEWLABEL New AL_SENDSTRING Send AL_NEXTBUTTON Weiter AL_BIBSTATSNODATA No data AL_VALIDOK Ihre Eingaben wurde gespeichert, ein E-Mail wird Ihnen zugesandt sobald Ihr Ansuchen auf ein Benutzerkonto validiert wurde. AL_STATS_SYNONYMSNUMBER Number of synonyms AL_BROWSESTRING Durchsuchen ... AL_RDFRESOURCENOTEXIST Diese Ressource existiert nicht AL_ADMINSQLGENERATORHINT Type one TYPE_ID or RDF_RESOURCE per line AL_USERSELECTION Ihre Auswahl AL_NOVALUESTRING Kein Wert AL_TRASHSHOW Show recycle bin AL_SIGNUPERRTOS Sie müssen die Nutzungsbedingungen unserer Dienste akzeptieren, um sich zu registrieren. AL_REFERENCEPAPER Referenzpublikation (bitte zitieren Sie diesen Artikel, wenn Sie auf dieses Tool oder dessen Inhalt verweisen möchten.) AL_PLACEHOLDERAC Start to enter a term AL_CHATCONNECTIONREOPENED User re-connected AL_VIEW_NL_META_HEADER <p class="normal">* Meta-terms correspond to biological or medical specialty concerned with one or more keywords (or keywords hierarchies), qualifiers, or resource types. Other terms also benefit from this structure, when the topic warrants it, eg <a href="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/ssf/metas/meta_enseignement_et_education.html">education</a>. See the <a href="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/ssf/santspe.html">list</a>.</p> AL_IMPORTWINDOWDESCRIPTION Please select a file for the import: AL_ICONSAVE Anwenden AL_CAPTCHAERROR Das Sicherheitsfeld stimmt nicht mit dem Sicherheitsbild überein AL_DISPLAYNEXTINDEXING Display next indexing... AL_MESSAGEHIERARCHYMODULEDRAGDROPIMPOSSIBLE A node cannot be dropped in itself or one of its descendants. AL_MENUCONCURRENCYMONITORLABEL Resources edition monitor AL_HETOPMAPPING_FIRSTCHECK Erste Überprüfung AL_VIEW_FOR View for AL_VALIDERRORPENDING Validierung des Benutzerkontos fehlgeschlagen! Es gibt schon ein Ansuchen auf ein Benutzerkonto, welches dieser E-Mail Adresse zugeordnet ist. AL_DESKTOPICONCOMMAND Command(s) AL_RENAMEDESKTOPICONTITLE Rename... AL_QUERYBUILDER_SUBTITLE Bibliographic Query Builder in Medicine AL_VIEW_NL_META_SEARCH <b>Doc'CISMeF search</b> for this specility : AL_XHTMLGOOGLESEARCHRESULTS <img src="/img/logos/logoGoogle.png"> </img> Ergebnisse (CISMeF Auswahl): AL_CTRLCLICKSELECTRESULTSINLIST Ctrl + Click (or Command + Click on Mac) to select multiple results in list. AL_RESOURCETYPESTRING Ressourcentyp AL_BIBSTATS_PROPORTIONREL Proportion (relative to resources number) AL_EMPTYALLCACHE Empty all cache AL_TERMINOLOGIESNODESCRIPTIONMESSAGE1 Keine Beschreibung für diese Terminologie. AL_RELATIONMODIFY Modify this relation... AL_EXCLUDEDEFINITIONS Suchen Sie nicht in den Definitionen AL_MENUHELP Help AL_FACETUNCHECKALL Alle Markierungen aufheben AL_TOP Oben AL_PATIENTS Patienten AL_PROMPTDIALOGTITLE Ihre Auswahl AL_ADVANCEDSEARCHVIDEO Avanced search demonstration AL_CISMEFTREETABLEPASTELASTVALUE Paste AL_AFFILIATIONTARGETSTRING angegliedert AL_WINDOWRESTAURE Restaure AL_LOGGEDUSERS Online users AL_BIBSTATSHETOPTRANS Translations per language AL_HETOPINTROTRANSLATE Dank Interlinguismus finden Sie viele Begriffe aus den Biowissenschaften in mehr als 20 Sprachen. AL_TOPRESULT Wichtigster Begriff AL_CRDHISTORY_NEW_VALUE New value AL_EHTOPREFERENCEPAPER <p><i> Grosjean, J; Merabti, T; Dahamna, B; Kergourlay, I; Thirion B; Soualmia LF &amp; Darmoni, SJ.</i>Health Multi-Terminology Portal: a semantics added-value for patient safety. <b>Patient Safety Informatics - Adverse Drug Events, Human Factors and IT Tools for Patient Medication Safety</b>, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Volume 166, Pages 129-138, 2011.<b>PSIP. </b><a target="_blank" href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21685618"><img height="16" border="0" width="16" title="PubMed" src="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/images/pubmed_thumb.png"/></a><a target="_blank" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/978-1-60750-740-6-129"><img height="16" border="0" width="30" title="DOI" src="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/images/doi.png"/></a><a target="_blank" href="http://www.booksonline.iospress.nl/Content/View.aspx?piid=19716"><img height="16" border="0" width="16" title="URL" src="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/images/link.png"/></a><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/tibs/wp-content/uploads/pdf/Grosjean2011a.pdf"><img height="16" border="0" width="16" title="PDF" src="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/images/pdf.png"/></a></p> AL_INSCRIPTION Inschrift AL_HETOPMAPPING_TRANSCLOSURETODO Transitive Hülle ist nicht OK AL_STATS_TERMINOLOGIESNUMBER Number of terminologies AL_SAMPLET_DESC_CISMEF_TYPE_RESSOURCE Journal article, association, educational course, ... AL_SEARCHRESULTNUMBERPARAM Results max nb AL_QUERYBUILDERDESCRIPTION Design complex bibliographic queries by combining medical terms (MeSH) AL_KEYWORDPOSITIONINHIERARCHY Keyword's position in hierarchy(ies) : AL_MTEHTOPTRANSLATETERM Translate term AL_ESCAPEENVSTRING Nicht den aktuellen Umwelt zu begrenzen AL_DEFAULTUSERSELECTIONCATEGORY Auswahl 1 AL_DCTHM_APPNAME CISMeF free access theses AL_PWDCHANGETOOLONG Password length must be less than %d AL_CONFIRMFILECLOSURE Warning, this file has been modified, are you sure to quit without saving it? AL_CRDHISTORY_CREATE Creation AL_EXPORTTEMPLATEBUTTON Export AL_EXPORTTEMPLATEPROPERTYCOLUMNLABEL Property AL_MENUHIERARCHYMODULECOPYLABEL Copy AL_VALUESTRING Wert AL_MAPPINGRESULTS Ergebnisse der Zuordnung AL_FPEMAILTITLE New password to log in into CISMeF services AL_PARTNERSTABTITLE Partner AL_ICONCANCEL Rückgängig AL_RESOURCESALLTYPESSTRING Alle Typen AL_TEAM Team AL_SEARCHPARAMETERS  Suchparameter AL_ADVANCEDSEARCHPRESENTATION Avanced search presentation AL_PUBLICATIONS Publikationen AL_SQLEVIEW SQLExplorer... AL_RELATIONSTRING Relation AL_REVISIONREPORTEREMAILBODY Hello, A new revision (%s) has been generated for the "%s" category. Differences file: %s Please do not reply to this email since a robot send it. Have a nice day. AL_MAPPING_RELATED_TITLE is related to the proposed concept AL_SIGNUPWAIT Ihre Registrierung ist fast abgeschlossen, bitte überprüfen Sie Ihr E-Mail-Postfach, eine Anmeldebestätigung wurde Ihnen bereits zugeschickt. AL_ACCESSTOARTICLE Article link(s) AL_TYPEIDCHECKERROR This TYPE_ID is not valid or already exists AL_PROCESSTRANSLATEOK Translate ! AL_DESKTOPICONLABEL Label AL_SEARCHREPLACEACTION Search / replace AL_RELATIONTYPE_INTRA intra-terminologisch AL_NOTICESTRING Hinweis AL_DCBP_APPNAME CISMeF Guidelines AL_CLIPBOARDPASTE Paste group... AL_BESTPRACTICES Best practices AL_SAMPLEINDEX Asthma, influenza, ibuprofen ... AL_IDENTIFIEDCONCEPT Identifiziert(e) Konzept (e): AL_STATS_FRENCHCUISNUMBER Number of french UMLS CUI AL_MESSAGEHIERARCHYMODULEATTACHCHILDREN Its children will be attached to the parent node AL_FPNOTICE If you lost your password, please put your email address below in order to generate a new random password. It will be send to this email address. AL_NAMESTRING Name AL_EHTOPTERINDEXNOTICEDEF Standardmäßig haben Sie Zugriff auf die unten aufgeführten Ressourcen. Um mehr Ressourcen angezeigt zu bekommen, melden Sie sich bitte an oder registrieren Sie sich. AL_OTHERSTRING Weitere AL_RENAMESELECTION Rename selection AL_ADMINSQLGENERATOROUTPUT Output AL_VALIDERROR Validierung des Benutzerkontos fehlgeschlagen! Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Alle Felder sind Pflichtfelder!<br/><a href="inscription.html AL_MENUOBJLIST Objects list AL_POPUPALERT Achtung: Sie müssen für diese Website den Popup-Blocker Ihres Browsers deaktivieren! AL_SEARCHTERMTERMINOLOGY Den Begriff in der Terminologie suchen AL_ITEMECN16 ECN after 2016 AL_QUERYBUILDERWITHEXPANSION Include synonyms AL_NOT_A_MAP This file is not a map AL_TRANSFORMACTION Cast to AL_EHTOPSELECTTERMINOLOGIES Terminologieauswahl AL_TRASHSTRING Recycle bin AL_SQLSEARCHBINDINPUT Please put a value for the bind variable %d AL_ADDDESKTOPICON Add a desktop shortcut AL_STATS_TITLE %s statistics AL_DCTHMDESCRIPTION CISMeF PhD lists medical theses and dissertations only available online. AL_CACHETESTER Cache tester AL_IND Indizierung: AL_REVISIONREPORTEREMAILOBJECT News from: %s (revision %s) AL_VIEW_INDEX_HEADER <p class="normal" align="left"><img width="15" height="15" src="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/images/scopenote.gif" alt="Scope Note MeSH Medline"></img> CISMeF keywords come from the MeSH thesaurus <a href="http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html">MeSH</a>, especially used for bibliographic database Medline. The French terms are those of <a href="http://ist.inserm.fr/basismesh/mesh.html">MeSH in French</a> made by the < a href="http://www.inserm.fr/servcom/servcom.nsf/titre/DISC+-+information+scientifique+et+communication">DISC</a> of INSERM. See also the list of <a href="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/documed/qualificatifs.html">qualifiers</a> that can clarify the meaning of a keyword, of <a href="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/documed/typeressource.html">resources types</a> and of MeSH <a href="https://www.hetop.eu/hetop/#env=basic&lang=en&tab=1&objti=T_DESC_MESH_DESCRIPTEUR&q=">trees</a>.<br/> When a term has no MeSH equivalent, we use the <a href="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/documed/mme.html#MAPPING">mapping</a> to select the most appropriate term. Dysmelia example is indexed to <em>ectromelia</em>.<br/><br/></p> AL_COPYRIGHT © Universitätskrankenhaus Rouen (CHU). Bei jeder vollständigen oder teilweisigen Nutzung dieses Dokumentes muss die Quelle erwähnt werden. AL_OPTIONAUTOARRANGE Arrange windows AL_MONITOR_APPNAME CISMeF Monitor AL_MAILSTRING E-Mail AL_FPEMAILTEXT Dear user, A new password has been generated. Your login is: %s Your password is: %s (watch for the case). You can now log in into our websites again. We thank you for your interest in our work. Regards, The CISMeF team. NB: This is an automatic email, please do not reply. AL_HETOPMAPPING_NOMAPPINGSTOVALIDATE No new mappings to validate AL_SIGNUPERRMAIL Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse AL_MENUMOD Model AL_TRASHVALUE Value AL_MENUDISPLAY Display AL_OPSTRING Relation AL_OPERATORNOT NOT AL_SYSUSERRIGHTSTITLE User rights edition AL_ALLTERMINOLOGIES alle AL_CONFERROR Bestätigung der Registrierung fehlgeschlagen! Bitte überprüfen Sie die Eingaben oder kontaktieren den Administrator dieser Seite. AL_EXPLORETERMINOLOGYNAVIGATINGTREE Erkunden Sie die Terminologie, indem Sie die Baumstruktur durchsuchen AL_SQLSEARCHROWS %d lines extractes in %d ms AL_MTEHTOPMAPPINGRESULTS Mapping results AL_SUGGESTIONADVICE Versuchen Sie es mit diesen Schreibweisen: AL_MESSAGEHIERARCHYMODULECHILDALREADYEXISTING This child already exists for this father AL_EMAILREGISTRATION Dear user,\n\nYour registring demand to access the %s application has been accepted.\n\nYour login is : %s \nYour password is : %s (watch for the case).\n\nYou can now connect to the website from this page: %s\n\nWe thank you for your interest in our work.\n\nRegards,\n\nThe CISMeF team.\n\n\nNB: This is an automatic email, please do not reply. AL_STATS_DATE_INTERVAL From %s to %s AL_MORESTRING Mehr AL_CONNECTIONPASSWORD Passwort AL_TERMINOLOGIESLIST Liste der Terminologien AL_EHTOPCHOOSESENTENCE Choose your terminologies or ontologies then type your query below ! AL_CONNECTION Verbindung AL_STATS_DISTINCTCUISNUMBER Number of distinct UMLS CUI AL_DCECN2016_APPNAME ECN 2016 AL_PROPOSECONTENTTYPEID Content type AL_CONFIRMDELETION Are you sure to delete ? AL_SYSUSERRIGHTSWRITE Write AL_SEEALLLANGUAGESSTRING Alle Sprachen anzeigen AL_ANNOTATIONEDIT Kommentare bearbeiten AL_CACHEMANAGER_APPNAME CacheManager AL_DUPLICATETOSTRING Duplicate to... AL_QUERYBUILDERGENERATE Generate links AL_MTEHTOPTRANSLATIONRESULTS Translation results AL_BDBFRSEARCHARTICLE Search the article AL_OPTIONLANGOTHERDATA Alternative Daten Sprache AL_HETOPQUERYONALL Sie können die Abfrage neu starten, indem Sie alle Terminologien überprüfen AL_FINDWITHDBGUIVAADIN Ressource bearbeiten AL_MENUINDEXVIEW Indexes AL_DELETEDESKTOPICON Delete AL_BDBFRJOURNALHOMEPAGE In the journal website: AL_DESCRIPTIONTEXTFIELDQUERY Geben Sie hier Ihre Anfrage AL_LISSAARCHSLIDESHOW <li>You can use * symbol to truncate words, including MeSH keywords.</li> <li>You might also use the <a href="https://www.cismef.org/cismef/aide/liste-des-abreviations-des-champs-utilises-dans-doccismef-et-lissa/">boolean codes</a>.</li> <li>Simple search deals with title, abstract and keywords.</li> <li>You can enter a few letters to see frequently used propositions.</li> <li>In advanced search, add terms on a same line to increase recall (more results).</li> AL_SEEALSO Siehe auch AL_PLACEHOLDERLIST Choose in list AL_RELEVANCESORT Nach Relevanz AL_CONSULTMAINRESOURCES Auswahl von Hauptressourcen hier verfügbar : AL_STATS_RELATIONSNUMBER Number of relations AL_BIBSTATSNORESULT No results for this query. AL_INSCRIPTIONNOTICE Indem Sie sich registrieren, können Sie auf die folgenden Terminologien zugreifen: ACR, ADICAP, ATC, BHN, BNCI, Bon Usage Radio., CCAM, CIF, ICD-9, ICD-10, ICD-O, CISMeF, ICPC-2, Cladimed, DRC, FMA, Gene Ontology, Gene & Protein, HPO, ICNP, IUPAC, LOINC, LPP, MedlinePlus, MeSH, MIDAS, NABM, NCCMERP, NCIT, OMIM, Orphanet, PASCAL (Gesundheit), PATHOS, PSIP Taxonomie, RADLEX, SNOMED int., VCM, WHO-ART und WHO-ICPS.<br><br>Die auf dem Portal angezeigten Symbole gehören zur VCM (Visualisierung des medizinischen Wissens)-Sprache, die während des L3IM Forschungsprojekts enstanden sind. <br><br>Diese Registrierung ist kostenlos, mit Ausnahme von privaten Unternehmen, in diesem Fall kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.<br>Nach der Überprüfung Ihrer Daten wird Ihnen schnellstmöglich ein automatisches Passwort per e-Mail zugeschickt. <br><br> Diese Daten werden nicht freigegeben oder an jemanden weitergeleitet. Sie werden benutzt, um die Sicherheit der Website zu gewährleisten und um die Qualität unserer Dienstleistungen anhand Ihrer Aktivitäten zu verbessern. Nicht personenbezogene Daten (Land, Beruf ...) können auch für statistische Zwecke verwendet werden. AL_LISSASLIDESHOW <li>You can use * symbol to truncate words, including MeSH keywords.</li> <li>You might also use the <a href="http://www.chu-rouen.fr/cismef/aide/liste-des-abreviations-des-champs-utilises-dans-doccismef-et-lissa/">boolean codes</a>.</li> <li>Simple search deals with title, abstract and keywords.</li> <li>You can enter a few letters to see frequently used propositions.</li> <li>In advanced search, add terms on a same line to increase recall (more results).</li> AL_MENULOSTPASSWORD Forgotten password ? AL_COPYTOCLIPBOARD Copy to clipboard AL_ECMTE_ADDANNOT Add annotation AL_BIBSTATSHETOPDPPROPLANG Total attributes number per language AL_SELECTEDITEMS Ausgewählt: %d AL_SORT Sort AL_HEALTHTERMINOLOGIES Gesundheit Terminologien AL_LICENCE_ACCEPT_STRING Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die Nutzungsbedingungen von CISMeF gelesen und akzeptiert habe. AL_OPENTERMINAL Open terminal AL_HIERARCHYTREEFULLMODE Vollständige Struktur AL_OPTIONLANGTITLE Sprachen AL_LABELSTRING Kennzeichnung AL_CHATWINDOWSHOW Show instant messaging AL_CLIPBOARDSHOW Show clipboard AL_OBJECTTYPEIDSTOPURGE TYPE_IDs to purge AL_DCPATDESCRIPTION French health search engine for patients. AL_REVISIONREPORTEREMAILBODY2 Hello, A new revision (%s) has been generated for the "%s" category. Please find attached the differences file. Please do not reply to this email since a robot send it. Have a nice day. AL_OPENSQLSEARCH Open SQL explorer AL_DELETEALL Delete all AL_WILDCARDACTIVATED (Suche mit Platzhaltern ist aktiviert) AL_COUNTRYSTRING Pays AL_MENUCACHEMONITORLABEL Cache monitor AL_CONSOLESHOW Show logs AL_MAPPINGTITLE Zuordnungen AL_TERMINOLOGIESTABTITLE Terminologie AL_PWDCHANGENEWCONFIRM New password (confirm) AL_MENUADMIN Admin AL_INDEXINGALLMAJOR Switch all into major AL_ADVICEAUTOCOMPLETE Enter first letters. Samples : AL_SELECTTYPEACTION Typ auswählen: AL_GROUPACTIONSTRING Gruppieren AL_HETOP_EDITANNOTATION Kommentar bearbeiten AL_HETOPMAPPING_TRANSCLOSUREOK Transitive Hülle ist OK AL_LISSAARCHDESCRIPTION Search engine dealing with %d medical french articles. AL_SEARCH Suchen AL_FORCEACTION Force AL_DESCRIPTIONBUTTONOK Suche starten AL_INPROGRESSSTRING In Bearbeitung AL_RESOURCESBESTRECALL Best recall (PubMed)