" /> Orilanolimab - CISMeF

Preferred Label : Orilanolimab;

NCIt synonyms : Immunoglobulin G4, Anti-(Human FcRn Receptor) (Humanized Monoclonal SYNT001 gamma4-Chain), Disulfide with Humanized Monoclonal SYNT001 kappa-Chain, Dimer;

NCIt related terms : Anti-FcRn Monoclonal Antibody SYNT001;

NCIt definition : A monoclonal antibody that targets the neonatal crystallizable fragment receptor (FcRn), with potential immunomodulating activity. Upon administration, orilanolimab targets and binds to FcRn at the immunoglobulin G (IgG) binding site, thereby preventing the interaction between FcRn and the serum protein IgG. By preventing FcRn/IgG binding, SYNT001 blocks the FcRn-mediated rescue of IgG, enables IgG degradation and prevents IgG-mediated inflammation. IgG plays a key role in many autoimmune diseases and is an important factor in inflammatory processes.;


CAS number : 2066544-85-0;

Molecule name : SYNT 001; SYNT-001;

NCI Metathesaurus CUI : CL526914;


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