" /> dental cavity lining - CISMeF

Preferred Label : dental cavity lining;

MeSH definition : An inner coating, as of varnish or other protective substance, to cover the dental cavity wall. It is usually a resinous film-forming agent dissolved in a volatile solvent, or a suspension of calcium hydroxide in a solution of a synthetic resin. The lining seals the dentinal tubules and protects the pulp before a restoration is inserted. (Jablonski, Illustrated Dictionary of Dentistry, 1982);

MeSH synonym : cavity lining, dental; cavity linings, dental; dental cavity linings; lining, dental cavity; linings, dental cavity;

MeSH hyponym : varnish, cavity; Cavity Varnish; Cavity Varnishes; Varnishes, Cavity; Cavity Lining Varnish; Varnish, Cavity Lining; Cavity Lining Varnishes; Varnishes, Cavity Lining;

Related MeSH term : cavity liner, dental; Cavity Liners, Dental; Liner, Dental Cavity; Dental Cavity Liners; Liners, Dental Cavity; Dental Cavity Liner;



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An inner coating, as of varnish or other protective substance, to cover the dental cavity wall. It is usually a resinous film-forming agent dissolved in a volatile solvent, or a suspension of calcium hydroxide in a solution of a synthetic resin. The lining seals the dentinal tubules and protects the pulp before a restoration is inserted. (Jablonski, Illustrated Dictionary of Dentistry, 1982)

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