" /> submental lymph node - CISMeF

Preferred Label : submental lymph node;

Uberon definition : The submental lymph nodes (or suprahyoid) are situated between the anterior bellies of the Digastrici. Their afferents drain the central portions of the lower lip and floor of the mouth and the apex of the tongue. Their efferents pass partly to the submandibular lymph nodes and partly to a gland of the deep cervical group situated on the internal jugular vein at the level of the cricoid cartilage.;

Uberon synonym : submental node; level Ia neck node;

Uberon related term : suprahyoid glands; submental glands;


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The submental lymph nodes (or suprahyoid) are situated between the anterior bellies of the Digastrici. Their afferents drain the central portions of the lower lip and floor of the mouth and the apex of the tongue. Their efferents pass partly to the submandibular lymph nodes and partly to a gland of the deep cervical group situated on the internal jugular vein at the level of the cricoid cartilage.

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