Preferred Label : eccrine sweat gland;
Uberon definition : A merocrine, unbranched, unbranched, coiled, tubular gland sweat gland. In humans,
distributed over almost all of the body surface, and promote cooling by evaporation
of their secretion.;
Uberon related term : eccrine gland; merocrine sweat gland;
Uberon Taxon note : in mice, found only on footpads; in humans, entire body including soles and palms;
Origin ID : 0000423;
UMLS CUI : C0013492;
- Automatic exact mappings (from CISMeF team)
- Semantic type(s)
- UMLS correspondences (same concept)
- Uberon cross reference
- has part
A merocrine, unbranched, unbranched, coiled, tubular gland sweat gland. In humans,
distributed over almost all of the body surface, and promote cooling by evaporation
of their secretion.