" /> Study Protocol Version Planned Study Subject Experience - CISMeF

Preferred Label : Study Protocol Version Planned Study Subject Experience;

NCIt related terms : StudyProtocolVersion.plannedStudySubjectExperience;

NCIt definition : A description of what the study subject can expect to experience over the course of the study, including the sequence and duration of activities.;

Alternative definition : BRIDG 3.0.3: A description of what the study subject can expect to experience over the course of the study, including the sequence and duration of activities. EXAMPLE(S): The description, sequence and duration of study epochs, including pre-randomization and post-treatment epochs, therapy withdrawal epochs, and single- and double-blind treatment epochs.; BRIDG 5.3: A description of what the study subject can expect to experience over the course of the study, including the sequence and duration of activities. EXAMPLE(S): The description, sequence and duration of study epochs, including pre-randomization and post-treatment epochs, therapy withdrawal epochs, and single- and double-blind treatment epochs. OTHER NAME(S): NOTE(S):;


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