" /> zamiaceae - CISMeF

Preferred Label : zamiaceae;

MeSH definition : A plant family of the order Cycadales, class Cycadopsida, division CYCADOPHYTA.;

MeSH hyponym : zamia; dioon; macrozamia; microcycas; lepidozamia; encephalartos; ceratozamia; Macrozamias; Ceratozamias; Dioons; Encephalarto; Microcyca; Lepidozamias; Zamias;

MeSH Related Number : txid114455; txid115878; txid133429; txid3299; txid3303; txid41993; txid58032;

MeSH annotation : coord with specific PLANT STRUCTURES term if pertinent; for use in therapy coord IM with PHYTOTHERAPY (IM) disease/drug ther (IM) PLANT PREPARATIONS or its indentations/ther use (IM or NIM) specific plant chemical /ther use (IM) if pertinent; Manual 26.29;

Wikipedia link : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zamiaceae;

UNII : txid3298;


You can consult :

A plant family of the order Cycadales, class Cycadopsida, division CYCADOPHYTA.

Nous contacter.

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